Welcome to Energy Justice Now!

Welcome to Energy Justice Now, Energy Justice Network’s first monthly newsletter!

Energy Justice Now will provide critical reporting on the entire spectrum of the dirty energy resistance, highlighting the voices of community organizers battling fossil fuels, nuclear power, and biomass and waste incineration from sea to shining sea. We are accepting submissions at niaby [at] energyjustice [dot] net.

Some of you are on our email discussion lists while others may not have heard from us in years. We’re happy to now be at a point where we can engage and support more people, and let you all know what we’re doing.

Energy Justice Network exists to build, support and network grassroots community organizations fighting dirty and unnecessary energy and waste industry facilities. We’ve helped communities win victories against coal and gas-fired power plants, incinerators of every sort (trash, ‘biomass,’ tirespoultry wastesewage sludge, medical waste…), landfillsfrackingpipelines, refineries, ethanol biorefineries, nuclear facilities and more.

Our approach includes connecting people fighting similar industries so that they’re helping one another as a network, rather than our trying to only provide top-down support. Through network-building, we help bring people from a Not In My Backyard (NIMBY) mindset to a Not in Anyone’s Backyard (NIABY) approach toward dirty technologies for which clean alternatives exist.

In 2006, we pulled together the nation’s first and only grassroots “No New Coal Plants” network, contributing to the defeat of 85% of 200+ coal power plant proposals. We also brought together a national grassroots movement against “biomass” incinerators (burning trees, wood waste, poultry waste and more), and saw 45 proposals for biomass and other waste incinerators defeated within our network just since 2010. We hope to do the same soon for those fighting the hundreds of gas-fired power plants now proposed. Without the big money other groups have to bring people together for national conferences, we’ve connected people via email discussion lists and conference calls.

Our work focuses on providing tools grassroots community activists need to win. This includes providing strategy and organizing advice, research support, information of many sorts (on problems with technologies and fuels, corporate track records, relevant public policies…), speaking/training, local environmental ordinances, mapping tools, connecting student and community activists, and much more. For more info, see our website for our historyaccomplishments and to learn about the services we provide.




EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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