We can help you defend your community from dirty energy and waste facilities, especially proposed ones. Our experience, networks, databases, and materials are all made with the intention of supporting you. Feel free to call or email us any time.
Each staff member’s email address consists of their first name followed by @energyjustice.net

Founder & Executive Director: Mike Ewall (215-436-9511) has been active since high school in 1990. His student and community work has helped many communities achieve victories against coal and gas power plants, landfills, incinerators, ethanol plants, medical waste facilities, and other noxious industries. His work includes research, writing, programming, organizing, networking, public speaking, legal work, policy analysis, advising and more. Find his full bio here.

Administrative Assistant: Traci Confer started out in 1997, assisting with a local fight against a wood waste incinerator in Morrisville, Pennsylvania. She’s worked with Mike Ewall ever since, helping with research, database management and community organizing.