Tag: nuclear

  • Radioactive Spikes from Nuclear Plants a Likely Cause of Childhood Leukemia

    - by Dr. Ian Fair­lie, Ecol­o­gist On 23rd August, The Ecol­o­gist pub­lished very clear evi­dence of increased can­cers among chil­dren liv­ing near nuclear pow­er sta­tions around the world, includ­ing the UK. The sto­ry sparked much inter­est on social media sites, and per­haps more impor­tant­ly, the arti­cle’s sci­en­tif­ic basis (pub­lished in the aca­d­e­m­ic peer-reviewed sci­en­tif­ic jour­nal the Jour­nal of Envi­ron­men­tal Radioac­tiv­i­ty) was down­loaded over 500…

  • EPA: Carbon Rules Could Ensure Nuclear Power’s Survival

    [Anoth­er rea­son why the dirty ener­gy resis­tance needs to band togeth­er. ‑Josh] - by Julie Wer­nau, June 18, 2014, Chica­go Tribune Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency Admin­is­tra­tor Gina McCarthy said Tues­day that the fed­er­al agen­cy’s pro­posed car­bon rules are designed to boost nuclear plants that are strug­gling to compete. “There are a hand­ful of nuclear facil­i­ties that because…

  • One Woman’s Fight to Clean Up Nuclear Waste

    Waste Land: One Town’s Atom­ic Lega­cy: A $500 Mil­lion CleanupQuar­ter-Cen­tu­ry Cru­sade to Force Gov­ern­ment Cleanup of Radioac­tive Contamination By John R. Emsh­willerNov. 21, 2013 11:22 p.m. ET APOLLO, Pa.—For Pat­ty Ameno, it is a Kodak moment from child­hood that stirs many mem­o­ries. She is 8 years old, dressed up for East­er in her fam­i­ly home­’s yard,…

  • Environmental Greats Debate Nuclear Power

    By Rod Adams, Novem­ber 12, 2013 The ener­gy Collective Dur­ing the pro­mo­tion­al peri­od lead­ing up to CNN’s ini­tial air­ing of Pandora’s Promise, Michael Brune, exec­u­tive direc­tion of the Sier­ra Club, and Robert Stone, the direc­tor of Pandora’s Promise, engaged in a mean­ing­ful dis­cus­sion about nuclear ener­gy host­ed by Kate Bolduan. Dur­ing the dis­cus­sion, Brune explains that the Sier­ra…

  • Great news about Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor

    Con­grat­u­la­tions to Cit­i­zens Aware­ness Net­work and NIRS! Ver­mont Yan­kee is final­ly sched­uled to close next year.

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