– by Katie Lannan, November 19, 2014, NJ.com
Firefighters called to the scene of what was originally described to them as a “small spill” Wednesday afternoon instead found 500 gallons of ethanol that had leaked out of a collapsed tanker truck.
The truck, carrying 7,000 gallons of ethanol, split as it was offloading its contents at a North Michigan Avenue business, said borough Fire Chief Lou Giordino.
“The tank itself just collapsed and broke open,” he said.
Firefighters called the county hazardous materials team and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s emergency response team to the scene. Fire departments from nearby communities, including Union Township and Elizabeth, also assisted with the cleanup.
Crews from a private spill cleanup contractor arrived shortly before 3 p.m.
“We’ve got a lot of resources here,” Giordino said.
The response included covering the spill with a blanket of foam to prevent explosions or other hazards, he said.
The spill was contained to the loading dock and did not extend beyond that area, Giordino said.
At the time of the spill, the truck was on the property of the chemical manufacturing company Synray Corporation at 209 North Michigan Avenue.