Tag: woodsmoke
Dirty Wood-Heaters
– by Dr. Dorothy Robinson, Woodsmoke.3sc.net The most health-hazardous air pollutant is PM2.5 (tiny particles less than 2.5 millionth of a metre in diameter) that cause 10 to 20 times as many premature deaths as the next worst pollutant (ozone). PM2.5 penetrate the deepest recesses of our lungs. As well as causing lung disease, PM2.5…
A Victim of Woodsmoke Pollution
– by Shirley Brandie, WoodBurnerSmoke.net In 2000, we bought a home to enjoy our retirement in. It was perfect for us! Everything on one floor, a surrounding deck, and a large expanse of lawn. Little did we know that, in 2002, our lives would be changed dramatically! Beginning in 2002, our home became surrounded and infiltrated…
Burn It Up?
– by Vic Steblin, Source: WoodBurnerSmoke.net Humans have been burning for much of history. Africa burns its savanna annually and the smoke can be seen from space. Australia and Mediterranean areas regularly burn off hazardous undergrowth. Logging companies burn off residue according to professional forestry codes. Ranchers and farmers burn old grass and crops to release nutrients. Even lightning…
EJ Communities Map

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.
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