Tag: shale gas
Spatial Justice Tests
– by Aaron Kreider, Energy Justice Network One of the main goals of Energy Justice Network’s Justice Map project is to demonstrate the role that income and race play in the siting of dirty facilities. You can use Justice Map (by clicking on Advanced Mode) to analyze the race and income of people who live within, say,…
Water Abuse in the Fracking Process
– by Alex Lotorto, Energy Justice Network Water is used in shale gas development from cradle to grave, however, most people don’t think about it beyond the issues of groundwater contamination. Procuring and bringing raw materials like silica sand, steel, cement, and fracking chemicals to the well locations requires an incredible amount of manufacturing, transportation,…
Energy Justice Summer: Standing With Communities in the Shalefields
– by Energy Justice Summer This summer youth have gathered in the shale gas region of Northeastern Pennsylvania to facilitate trainings, compile reports, and to fight for the safety of landowners, workers, and the environment. Energy Justice Summer is based in Susquehanna County in order to directly connect with the community members impacted by shale gas…
American Lung Association Contradicts Its Own Mission on Fracking
– by Ronald Saff and Maura Stephens, May 22, 2014, Source: Truthout The American Lung Association has acknowledged that fracking causes massive amounts of cancer-causing air pollution, and has urged stronger regulations, but after receiving hefty donations from a fracking company, the ALA switched to falsely promoting gas as “cleaner than other fossil fuels.” “Sobering Statistics…
EJ Communities Map
We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.
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