Tag: greenhouse gases

  • Supreme Court Issues Decision on EPA’s GHG Tailoring Rule

    – by Erin Voegele, June 24, 2014, Biomass Magazine On June 23, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision on the U.S. EPA’s Tailoring Rule. While the court invalidated a portion of the rule, it essentially held up EPA’s ability to regulate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for certain facilities, specifically those required to obtain a Prevention…

  • EPA Begins to Address Biomass Emissions in Permits Following Court Decision

    – by Andrew Childers, March 28, 2014. Source: Environment Reporter The Environmental Appeals Board partially remanded an air pollution permit for a waste-to-energy facility in Puerto Rico after it failed to account for greenhouse gas emissions from biomass. The Energy Answers Arecibo LLC permit is one of the first to address emissions from biomass in the wake of…

  • Whole Trees 90% of Rothschild, WI Biomass Incinerator Fuel

    – by Kevin Murphy, February 26, 2014. Source: Wasau Daily Herald wausaudailyherald The recently built power plant at Domtar paper mill is getting only 10 percent of its fuel from logging waste, which originally was supposed to supply nearly all of the plant’s energy needs. The 50-megawatt, $255 million power plant went online in November to provide steam for Domtar’s…

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