Tag: forest service
USDA Spends $9 Million More on Biomass Energy
- U.S. Forest Service, April 9, 2015 Today, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the award of over $9 million to expand and accelerate wood energy and other wood product markets. The federal funds will leverage $22 million in investments from partners, resulting in a total investment of $31 million in 23 states. “Working with our partners,…
Montana Logging Collaborative Fails Restoration Goals
- by George Wuerthner, March 15, 2015, The Wildlife News The Forest Service (FS), the timber industry and some environmental groups formed a collaborative groups several years ago known as the Southwest Crown of the Continent (SWCC). The goal ostensibly is to promote healthy ecosystems, but the real goal is to increase logging in the Seeley-Swan…
2014 Farm Bill Logs National Forests for Bioenergy
- December 17, 2014, U.S. Department of Agriculture Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that more than 200,000 tons of biomass were removed from federal lands through the Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP). BCAP, reauthorized by the 2014 Farm Bill, provided incentives for the removal of dead or diseased trees from National Forests and Bureau of…
USDA Announces Release of Report Charting Path to Commercialization of Cellulosic Nanomaterials
- by Lynn L. Bergeson, November 26, 2014, JD Supra Business Advisor On November 24, 2014, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) has released a report that details the pathway to commercializing affordable, renewable, and biodegradable cellulose nanomaterials from trees. The report, entitled Cellulose Nanomaterials — A Path Towards Commercialization, is…
The Forest Service and Collaboratives Garden Our Forests
- by George Wuerthner, September, 25, 2014, The Wildlife News If the public really understood the illogic behind Forest Service management, including those endorsed by forest collaboratives, I am certain there would be more opposition to current Forest Service policies. First, most FS timber sales lose money. They are a net loss to taxpayers. After the…
Forest Service and Collaboratives Garden Our Forests
- by George Wuerthner, September 25, 2014, The Wildlife News If the public really understood the illogic behind Forest Service polices, including those endorsed by forest collaboratives, I am certain there would be more opposition to current Forest Service policies. First, most FS timber sales lose money. They are a net loss to taxpayers. After the…
US Forest Service Moves to Start Clearcutting in Rim Fire Area
- by Chad Hanson, August 28, 2014, Earth Island Journal [How much of the forests that experienced the Rim Fire will be feeding biomass incinerators? ‑Ed.] The US Forest Service issued a draft decision yesterday for a massive post-fire logging project in the Stanislaus National Forest portion of the 2013 California Rim Fire, which covered 257,171 acres…
USDA Splurges Millions on Biomass Power Incinerators
[More taxpayer money funding private corporations to log National Forests under the unscientific guise of “wildfire prevention.” ‑Ed.] - US Department of Agriculture, July 23, 2014, Office of Communications Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has selected 36 energy facilities in 14 states to accept biomass deliveries supported by…
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