Tag: environmental protection agency
Gypsum, CO Biomass Incinerator Still Off-Line After December Fire
– by Scott Miller, March 22, 2015, Post Independent A plant that generates electricity by burning beetle-killed wood had only been operating for a few months when a December fire badly damaged the facility’s conveyor system. The plant has been closed since, and will probably remain closed until summer. The plant, built by Provo, Utah-based Eagle…
California Lawsuit Seeks Pollution Cuts From Massive Tree-burning Power Plant
– by Kevin Bundy, August 22, 2014, Center for Biological Diversity The Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit today challenging a Clean Air Act permit issued by the Environmental Protection Agency for a massive, 31-megawatt biomass power plant proposed by Sierra Pacific Industries in Anderson, Calif. The challenge, filed directly in the 9th Circuit U.S.…
EPA: Carbon Rules Could Ensure Nuclear Power’s Survival
[Another reason why the dirty energy resistance needs to band together. -Josh] – by Julie Wernau, June 18, 2014, Chicago Tribune Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy said Tuesday that the federal agency’s proposed carbon rules are designed to boost nuclear plants that are struggling to compete. “There are a handful of nuclear facilities that because…
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