Tag: energy
Biomass Incinerator a Threat to Children
– by Norma Kreilein, MD, Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics [The biomass facility proposed for Jasper, Indiana referred to in this letter was canceled this year thanks to the hard work of Dr. Kreilein and Healthy Dubois County –Ed.] I am writing as a concerned pediatrician in Southern Indiana. We live in the heart of…
Why We Must Fight Gas-fired Power Plants
– by Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network The Ban Ki Moon U.N. Climate Summit is shortly coming to New York City. As we march and teach workshops at climate convergences, the media is likely to focus on the story of the Obama administration’s “Clean Power Plan” moving us away from coal in order to mitigate climate change. The story won’t be told…
Biomass Incinerators Sue Feds for $22 Million
– by Maeusz Perkoswki, September 16, 2014, Capital Press Two biomass facilities in California that use agricultural waste to generate electricity claim the federal government owes them about $22 million. The plaintiffs — Ampersand Chowchilla Biomass and Merced Power — claim the U.S. Treasury Department is wrongly withholding funds from an economic stimulus program that helps…
What the Frack? Scraping the Bottom of the Oil Barrel is Not Good to the Last Drop
– by Mark Robinowitz, PeakChoice.org The toxic impacts of hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas have been subject to public debates, protests, and lawsuits, among other tactics to stop these dangers. But the other half of the fracking story, which has had much less attention, is the exaggeration of recoverable reserves. The fracking industry claims shale…
Amid Oil and Gas Boom, Colorado Continues Role as Earthquake Lab
– by Kevin Simpson, August 31, 2014, The Denver Post From the living room chair where he sat reading around half past 9 on a May evening, Ron Baker heard the boom and felt his century-old Greeley farmhouse shudder, sending a menagerie of plastic horses toppling from a bedroom shelf. He stepped out the back…
Marcellus Shale Drillers Under-Reported Waste
– by Anya Litvak and Maxwell Radwin, August 31, 2014, The Post-Gazette EQT Corp. told the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection that it sent 21 tons of drill cuttings from its Marcellus Shale wells to area landfills in 2013. But landfills in southwestern Pennsylvania told a different story. Six facilities in this part of the state reported receiving nearly 95,000…
Proposed Washington Biomass Incinerator Nets $200k State Grant
[Another biomass incinerator that would require the logging of public lands. -Ed.] – by Eric Florip, August 27, 2014, The Columbian A $200,000 state grant will support a new biomass-fueled power plant near Stevenson expected to be operational next year, Gov. Jay Inslee announced Wednesday. The money will go to Wind River Biomass Utility, which has…
Oregon Group Files Civil Rights Complaint Over Biomass Air Pollution
– by Lisa Arkin, August 6, 2014, Beyond Toxics On August 6, Beyond Toxics filed a civil rights and environmental justice complaint with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) challenging the Lane County Regional Air Protection Agency’s decision to allow a power plant to increase its discharges of hazardous particulate matter. The complaint alleges that allowing…
Energy Justice Summer: Standing With Communities in the Shalefields
– by Energy Justice Summer This summer youth have gathered in the shale gas region of Northeastern Pennsylvania to facilitate trainings, compile reports, and to fight for the safety of landowners, workers, and the environment. Energy Justice Summer is based in Susquehanna County in order to directly connect with the community members impacted by shale gas…
Residents Voice New Concerns on Gainesville, FL Biomass Incinerator
– by Morgan Watkins, August 5, 2014, Gainesville Sun Local residents worried about the biomass plant showed up Tuesday evening for a public meeting on its draft Title V air operation permit, which could be approved this fall, to make their concerns known. Folks milled around the Hall of Heroes Community Room at the Gainesville Police…
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We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.
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