Tag: biofuels

  • Census Bureau Releases Biomass Incinerator Data

    – by Erin Voegele, December 3, 2014, Biomass Magazine   The U.S. Census Bureau recently released new economic census statistics on renewable energy, reporting that revenues for electric power generation industries that use renewable energy resources increased 49 percent from 2007 to 2012, reaching $9.8 billion. In 2007, revenue was only $6.6 billion. Biomass is among the…

  • Over 1,200 New Biomass Incinerators to be Constructed Within the Next 10 Years?

    – December 4, 2014, AltEnergyMag Electricity generation from solid biomass continues to increase throughout the world. In late 2013, around 2,800 operational power plants worldwide were incinerating biomass only or very large shares of this fuel. These plants had an electricity generation capacity of about 42 GWel. Additionally, around 350 fossil power plants were co-incinerating biomass.…

  • USDA Announces Release of Report Charting Path to Commercialization of Cellulosic Nanomaterials

    – by Lynn L. Bergeson, November 26, 2014, JD Supra Business Advisor On November 24, 2014, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) has released a report that details the pathway to commercializing affordable, renewable, and biodegradable cellulose nanomaterials from trees.   The report, entitled Cellulose Nanomaterials — A Path Towards…

  • Ethanol, Fighting for Its Life, Gets a Temporary Reprieve

    – by Matthew Philips, November 24, 2014, Bloomberg Businessweek The ethanol industry just avoided a death blow. Rather than deciding to permanently lower the amount of renewable fuels that have to be blended into the U.S. gasoline supply, as it first proposed a year ago, the Environmental Protection Agency last week opted to wait until next year to decide.…

  • Tanker Truck Collapses, Spills Ethanol in Kenilworth, NJ

    – by Katie Lannan, November 19, 2014,  NJ.com Firefighters called to the scene of what was originally described to them as a “small spill” Wednesday afternoon instead found 500 gallons of ethanol that had leaked out of a collapsed tanker truck. The truck, carrying 7,000 gallons of ethanol, split as it was offloading its contents…

  • More Wood to be Burned for Energy in 2015

    – by Erin Voegele, November 14, 2014, Biomass Magazine The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the November issue of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, which includes updated forecasts for the use of wood and biomass fuels in U.S. heat and power production. The EIA predicts that wood biomass will be use generate 118,000 MWh electricity per…

  • Biofuel Company Files for Bankruptcy

    – by Katie Fehrenbacher, November 11, 2014, Gigaom.com Biofuel company KiOR, which has become a symbol of the difficulties of venture capitalists investing in clean technology startups, finally filed for bankruptcy this week, many months after shutting down its biofuel plant and operating on fumes, unable to pay its debts. Many, including myself, have been predicting this for awhile…

  • Indiana Ethanol Facility Fined $9,600 for Clean Air Act Violations

    – by Seth Slabaugh, November 11, 2014, The Star Press Cardinal Ethanol has paid a $9,600 fine to settle a complaint that it violated its Clean Air Act operating permit. The penalty is insignificant in light of the grassroots, investor-owned company’s profitability — $26.4 million net income for the fiscal year ended Sept. 30, 2013. President…

  • Industry Take: How Will 2014 Elections Impact Biomass?

    – by Bob Cleaves, November 23, 2014, Biomass Magazine On Nov. 4, Americans voted. This election was a decisive victory for Republicans. Senate, House, gubernatorial and even state legislature races across the country saw conservatives prevail. These results were expected, surprising to political types only in the thoroughness of the wins across the board. What does…

  • Is Cellulosic Ethanol All it’s Cracked Up to Be?

    – by Edward Dodge, December 10, 2014, Breaking Energy The EPA has long promoted cellulosic ethanol as the future of biofuels, but technical challenges have kept production far below targets. A recent rule change allows RNG, renewable natural gas, to qualify as cellulosic biofuel even though RNG is not cellulosic, but this helps EPA appear to be meeting their…

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