Tag: biofuel
Study: Thinning Forests for Bioenergy Can Worsen Climate
A new study out of the Geos Institute in Ashland, Oregon concludes that selectively logging or “thinning” forests for bioenergy can increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and exacerbate climate change. The study, “Thinning Combined With Biomass Energy Production May Increase, Rather Than Reduce, Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” by D.A. DellaSala and M. Koopman, challenges…
Biomass Power Facilities Idle for Months
One of biomass energy’s main selling points is that it’s a baseload source of energy available 24/7, unlike solar and wind. Despite these promises–and hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer subsidies, grants and loans–several biomass power facilities across the U.S. have been sitting idle for months at a time, thanks to fires, equipment failure,…
Biomass Energy Growing Pains
Several biomass power facilities have come online over the last few years in Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Florida, and Hawaii, but not without difficulties, including fires, inefficient equipment, lawsuits, and competing with the low price of natural gas. Gypsum, Colorado Eagle Valley Clean Energy, an 11.5-megawatt biomass power facility in Gypsum, Colorado started operating in December…
Energy’s Water Footprint
– by Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network In 2005, thermoelectric power plants (nuclear, coal, oil, gas and trash/biomass incinerators) were responsible for 41% of all freshwater withdrawals and 49% of total water withdrawals (including oceans and brackish waters) in the U.S. Much of this water (mainly used for cooling) is returned to local water bodies, but at a higher…
EXCLUSIVE: Biomass Energy and the Carbon Neutral Shell Game
– by Brett Leuenberger, July 6, 2015 (Graphics by Brett Leuenberger) Who would have ever thought that clean renewable energy could come from a smokestack? And yet, according to our U.S. government and the biomass industry, that’s exactly what’s happening when you burn trees (biomass) for energy. I don’t know about you, but when it comes…
Solar Generation May Sideline Biomass Heating
[Note: this article is written by long-time wood stove cheerleader, John Ackerly. It’s nice to see him admitting that his wood-burning dreams are about to be dashed by solar power. Energy Justice does not support combustion sources for heating, since non-burn alternatives exist, and since there are many pollution and health problems relating to wood stoves.]…
Media Disinformation on Biomass
– by Chris Matera, Massachusetts Forest Watch Some people might call it a media failure that tree-fueled biomass energy, one of the dirtiest, most carbon-intensive forms of energy that exists, has a “clean” and “green” reputation with much of the public. It is not a media failure, it is a media success when we acknowledge that…
Oregon Senate OK’s Carbon Neutral Biomass Bill
– April 9, 2015, KTVZ State Sen. Tim Knopp (R- Bend) carried Senate Bill 752 on the Senate floor Monday and the effort to declare biomass “carbon-neutral” sailed through unanimously. SB 752 declares biomass to be carbon neutral, taking a rule previously created by the Department of Environmental Quality and making it law. It is chief…
Biomass Corporation Sues Federal Gov’t for $47 Million
– by Jacob Fischler, April 9, 2015, Law 360 MeadWestvaco Virginia Corp. slapped the federal government with a $47 million suit in the Court of Federal Claims on Thursday, alleging the U.S. Department of Treasury underpaid the company for the construction of a biomass energy generator. Under Section 1603 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act,…
Mining the Soil for Biomass Energy
Mining the Soil for Biomass Energy – Thursday, April 16 at 1 pm PT / 4 ET Jon Rhodes, watershed hydrologist, has more than thirty years of professional experience evaluating the impacts of logging and road building on forest ecosystems and watersheds. Jon runs Planeto Azul Hydrology, which provides affordable watershed expertise for a wide variety of…
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We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.
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