Tag: timber

  • Soil is Not Renewable

    – by Friends of the Wild Swan and Swan View Coalition Soils are the foundation of terrestrial life. Forest productivity is directly tied to soil conditions. Soil takes thousands of years to develop and is not “renewable”on a human time scale. Soil is an ecosystem in itself that must be healthy in order to provide…

  • Forest Service and Collaboratives Garden Our Forests

    – by George Wuerthner, September 25, 2014, The Wildlife News If the public really understood the illogic behind Forest Service polices, including those endorsed by forest collaboratives, I am certain there would be more opposition to current Forest Service policies. First, most FS timber sales lose money. They are a net loss to taxpayers. After the…

  • Forest Thinning Will Increase Wildfire Risk

    – by Charles Thomas, The Oregonian As fires again rage across the West, senators from John McCain, R-Ariz., to Ron Wyden, D-Ore., echo the refrain “thin the forests” to prevent wildfires. Unfortunately, most of the advocated thinning will actually stoke the wildfires of the future rather than lessen their occurrence and impacts. Thinning prescriptions proposed in…

  • More Logging and Biomass Burning Won’t Solve Job Woes

    –  by Rob Handy, July 6, 2014, Register Guard During my tenure as a Lane County commissioner, I watched Lane County’s timber harvest rise from 337 million board feet in 2009 to 590 million board feet in 2012, reported concisely by the state Department of Forestry. In spite of this huge surge, a 75 percent increase,…

  • Group Calls for Probe of Nova Scotia Biomass Logging

    [The forest footprint for a biomass incinerator is massive. Will be interesting to see if any probe is done in regards to this facility. -Ed.] –  by Erin Pottie, June 27, 2014, Cape Breton Bureau A Cape Breton environmental group is calling for an emergency review of harvesting practices at Nova Scotia Power’s biomass plant in…

  • Cutting the Trees We Need to Save the Forest

    –  by Bob Berwyn, July 7, 2014, The Colorado Independent Even here, in a cool forest hollow near Tenmile Creek, you can feel the tom-toms. It’s a distant beat, born in the marbled halls of Congress, where political forces blow an ill wind across Colorado’s forests. Nearly every Western elected official with a clump of shrubby…

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