Tag: pipeline

  • Constitution Pipeline Permit Denied

    – April 22, 2016, Energy Justice Network On April 22, the New York Department of Conservation refused to issue a water quality permit for the Constitution Pipeline, a 124 mile pipeline that would’ve carried natural gas from the Marcellus shale in Pennsylvania to New York State.   Accompanied by heavily armed U.S. Marshals wearing bulletproof vests, a Constitution…

  • How To Fight a Pipeline

    – by Alex Lotorto, Energy Justice Network Energy Justice Network is on the cutting edge of fighting fracking and related infrastructure in the northeast.   It’s a special organizing challenge to fight pipelines, as we’re fighting a line, not a point, on the map. Companies and agencies won’t release data listing all impacted landowners. In…

  • July issue of Energy Justice Now: Building Movement Solidarity

    Are you ready for the July issue of Energy Justice Network’s new publication, Energy Justice Now?! -“Why Solidarity is Needed More Than Ever between Coal, Gas and Incinerator Fighters“ -“The Ten Commandments of Movement Solidarity”  -“Cowardly Climate Report Urges Business as Usual“ …and more!!! Please share the July 2014 issue of Energy Justice Now with your friends, colleagues, neighbors, media, and…

  • A New Kind of Pipeline…for CO2?

    [Pipelines aren’t just for fossil fuels anymore. -Ed.] – by Russell Hubbard, April 12, 2014. Source: Omaha World-Herald  A Wyoming oil company told Nebraska ethanol producers Friday that a $1 billion carbon dioxide pipeline across the state would mean up to $50 million a year in new revenue for them. Scott Hornafius, president of Elk Petroleum,…

EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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