Tag: maryland

  • Maryland, Maryland, Quite Contrary-land

    Since 2011, Maryland has been notorious for being the only state to classify trash as equivalent to wind power in a renewable energy mandate. Over half of the “renewable” energy used to meet the mandate still comes from smokestacks at paper mills, landfills, trash, and biomass incinerators in 12 states spanning New Jersey to Wisconsin to Tennessee.…

  • Baltimore Incinerator Proposal Permit Yanked

    On March 17, the permit for the Energy Answers trash incinerator planned for the Curtis Bay neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland was declared invalid by the Maryland Department of the Environment, capping years of protest from local residents and a student-led organization, Free Your Voice, part of United Workers. The proposed incinerator would be the largest in the nation,…

  • Maryland “Zero-Waste” Plan Draws Fire Over Inclusion of Incineration

    – by Timothy B. Wheeler, December 15, 2014, The Baltimore Sun With Marylanders throwing away far more trash per person than the average American, the O’Malley administration released a long-range plan Monday to virtually eliminate placing waste in state landfills in the next 25 years. The plan is drawing mixed reaction, however, as environmentalists criticize the…

  • Incinerator in Frederick, MD Canceled After Decade-Long Fight

    – by Patrice Gallagher, No Incinerator Alliance On November 20, 2014, Frederick County, Maryland’s Board of County Commissioners cancelled plans to build a 1500 ton-per-day waste-to-energy incinerator, ending a 10 year citizens’ effort to kill the project and put better alternatives for community waste management in place. The vote was 3 to 2, and all…

  • Commissioners Scrap Frederick, MD Incinerator Plan

    – Associated Press, November 21, 2014, Herald-Mail The Frederick County Commissioners are scrapping plans for a waste-to-energy incinerator after more than five years of debate. The Frederick News-Post reported that the board voted 3-2 Thursday night to cancel a contract with Wheelabrator Technologies Inc. for the $471 million project. The board unanimously voted in favor of hauling the county’s trash…

  • Baltimore Residents Face Potential Risks from New Incinerator

    – by Jaisal Noor, May 27, 2014, The Real News  VIDEO HERE JAISAL NOOR, TRNN PRODUCER: This is Baltimore’s Benjamin Franklin High. Will a the country’s largest incinerator, being built just one mile from here, endanger the health of the students at the school? The Energy Answers Fairfield Renewable Energy Project will burn 4,000 tons of…

  • Maryland Dumps Incineration

    – by Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network VICTORY!!  For a second year in a row, pro-incinerator legislation in Maryland was defeated.  This stealthy legislation was written by Covanta (the nation’s largest trash incineration company) and would put Maryland on the path to burning nearly all of the waste that isn’t recycled.  The legislation takes the Renewable Portfolio…

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