Tag: landfill

  • Maine Towns Vote Whether to Burn Trash or Make Biogas

    Actually, there’s a third (and better) option and it’s called Zero Waste. – by Andy O’Brien, April 7, 2016, The Free Press On March 31, 2018, it will no longer be economical for midcoast towns to send their household trash to the  Penobscot Energy Recovery Co. (PERC) incinerator in Orrington. That’s the date when the facility loses…

  • One Bin for All?

    – by Melanie Scruggs, Texas Campaign for the Environment Right now, the City of Houston is expanding its two-bin or “single-stream” recycling program to finally cover all the nearly 350,000 homes that it services. As an avid zero waster, you may be thinking two things: 1. It is fantastic that Houstonians finally have access to a…

  • Out of the Garbage Can and Into the Fire

    – by Mike Ewall So-called “waste-to-energy” (WTE) is usually a euphemism for trash incineration, disposing of waste while making modest amounts of electricity and sometimes steam for heating purposes. Now, waste-to-fuels (WTF?) — turning waste into liquid fuels for transportation — is starting to emerge as a subset of WTE. Noting their acronym problem, the…

  • Stafford Incinerator in Virginia Not “Financially Beneficial”

    – by Neil Seldman, August 22, 2014, Institute for Local Self-Reliance The Regional Solid Waste Management Board that oversees the County and City of Fredericksburg landfill will not pursue a garbage and industrial waste incineration-gasification facility. The County received no bid that it considered financially beneficial to the County and City and dropped the project. StopTheStaffordIncinerator.com has…

  • Santa Barbara, CA Eyes $50 Million Trash Anaerobic Digestion Project

    [NOTE: this is a proposal for anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste, not an incinerator.  Energy Justice support digestion of unrecyclable residuals before landfilling as part of a zero waste plan.] – by Joshua Molina, August 16, 2014, Noozhawk Santa Barbara County is proposing a $50 million trash-to-energy project that would double the life of the Tajiguas landfill and radically redefine trash diversion as…

  • Zero Waste Hierarchy

    You’ve probably heard the term Zero Waste before, but not been sure about what it meant The peer-reviewed definition of Zero Waste by Zero Waste International Alliance involves “designing and managing products and processes to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources, and not burn or bury…

  • Maryland Dumps Incineration

    – by Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network VICTORY!!  For a second year in a row, pro-incinerator legislation in Maryland was defeated.  This stealthy legislation was written by Covanta (the nation’s largest trash incineration company) and would put Maryland on the path to burning nearly all of the waste that isn’t recycled.  The legislation takes the Renewable Portfolio…

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