Tag: lakeview

  • Planned La Pine, OR Biomass Facility Hinges on Market

    - by Dylan J. Dar­ling, March 17, 2015, Bend Bul­letin A wood-burn­ing pow­er plant remains a pos­si­bil­i­ty for La Pine, with the city now tak­ing the lead on the project from Deschutes Coun­ty and the com­pa­ny behind it wait­ing for a change in the ener­gy market. “It’s just been on hold due to mar­ket con­di­tions,” said…

  • Local Opposition Affects Oregon Biofuel Plant

    - by Al Maior­i­no, March 3, 2015, Envi­ron­men­tal Leader In 2014, the Unit­ed States Depart­ments of the Navy, Ener­gy and Agri­cul­ture award­ed a $70 mil­lion grant to Red Rock Bio­fu­els for the design, con­struc­tion, com­mis­sion­ing and per­for­mance test­ing of a new bio­fu­el refin­ery.  The biore­fin­ery is planned for Lake­view, Ore­gon, close to the Fre­mont Nation For­est…

  • Lakeview Biofuel Plant Proposal Raises Air Quality Concerns

    - Sep­tem­ber 25, 2014, Ore­gon Pub­lic Broadcasting A project pro­posed in Lake­view, Ore­gon, would turn woody bio­mass from log­ging into bio­fu­els for South­west Air­lines, the U.S. Navy and Marines. The bio­fu­el would have few­er green­house gas emis­sions than tra­di­tion­al jet fuel and diesel, but some wor­ry the project might add to exist­ing air qual­i­ty prob­lems in…

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