Tag: health

  • Biomass Opponents Silenced by North Carolina Commission

    Residents of six counties in North and South Carolina facing massive chicken and pig-manure burning biomass power incinerators, including a man dressed as a chicken [pictured below], were barred from giving testimony at a North Carolina Utilities Commission hearing over biomass electricity requirements on August 28 in Raleigh. The hearing was in response to a request by Duke Energy, Progress Energy, Dominion…

  • Poultry Power Poops Out in North Carolina

    (Source: Mary Anderson, Courier-Tribune) A 36 megawatt biomass incinerator that would have burned poultry feces is no longer being considered for Biscoe, North Carolina, to the relief of Montgomery and Moore County residents and grassroots community groups, such as Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL), which opposed the project. The developer, Poultry Power, a subsidiary of the Florida-based Green…

  • Nurse Speaks Out on Biomass Health Threats

    – by Debbie Martinez, RN, Gainesville, Florida As a registered nurse I find it alarming that Alachua County’s huge medical community has remained silent on dangerous smokestack emissions as more research now demonstrates that air pollution from the city’s planned biomass incinerator will pose a significant health risk to adults, children and the unborn within…

  • Florida Trash Incinerator Proposal Bites the Dust

    (Source: Laurie K. Blandford and Anthony Westbury, TC Palm) A trash incinerator proposal for St. Lucie, Florida has fallen through following a unanimous decision by the St. Lucie County Commissioners to terminate the contract with Georgia-based Geoplasma, citing economic concerns. The 24 megawatt incinerator would’ve incinerated 600 tons of trash per day using a technology called plasma arc, which…

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