Tag: health
Biomass Combustion: Harmful on any Scale
– by Cathy Baiton, Only Clean Air In the same way that industrial biomass combustion can seriously jeopardize public health and the environment in communities, residential and smaller-scale commercial biomass burning also have adverse impacts on health and air quality in neighborhoods. In many cities and towns, increased wood burning, both indoor and outdoor, has become…
Biomass Thermal: The Logs That Break the Forest’s Back
Biomass Thermal: The Logs That Break the Forest’s Back A sector of the biomass incineration industry claims to be turning over a new “green” leaf by building smaller, slightly more energy-efficient facilities focused on heating rather than electricity. Meanwhile, behind the smokescreen, biomass thermal advocates are supporting much of the same forest-raiding, climate-busting, and lung-searing…
EPA Bans Most Wood-Burning Stoves
EPA Bans Most Wood-Burning Stoves – by Tara Dodrill, October 2, 2013, Source: Off the Grid News Wood-burning stoves offer warmth and enhance off-grid living options during cold weather months, but the tried-and-true heating devices now are under attack by the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA has banned the production and sale of the types of stoves…
Environmentalists Press Detroit to Stop Trash Incineration
Environmentalists Press Detroit to Stop Trash Incineration – by Jim Lynch, November 20, 2013, Source: The Detroit News The city’s new solid-waste disposal contract represents an open door to local environmentalists, and some are trying to push the city for further action. Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr’s office law week said the city selected a pair of firms…
Yet Another Fire at Wood Pellet Facility
Fire Damages Ernst Biomass Pellet Plant November 11, 2013, Source: Bioenergy Insight Ernst Biomass’ pellet plant in New Jersey, US has been damaged after a fire broke out on 9 November. The incident is reported to have caused $50,000 (€37,330) worth of damage to equipment such as the facility’s conveyor system. Nobody was injured but production at…
Biomass Injustice
Two Biomass Injustices – by Ron Saff, M.D., October 27, 2013. Source: Gainesville Sun Turkey Creek residents face two deep injustices: health risks from air pollution and noise pollution. Tons of carcinogens will soon belch from the biomass plant. In a 2009 letter to then-Sen. John Kerry, the American Lung Association stated that biomass burning releases toxic…
Speak Up On “National Bioenergy Truth Day” – Thursday, October 17
Speak Up On “National Bioenergy Truth Day” – Thursday, October 17 Please take 5 minutes of your time on Thursday, October 17 to make phone calls to select members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (listed below with talking points) to voice your opposition to the latest piece of legislation that would…
Wood Pellet Facility Creates Dust Issue
Wood Pellet Facility Creates Dust Issue – by Linda Russell, September 3, 2013. Source: KY3 SPRINGFIELD, Mo.– Growing production at a pellet plant in Aurora means more jobs. But people who live nearby say it also means a lot more sawdust, so much that it’s hurting air quality there. MFA Oil Biomass opened the production facility on…
Wood Pellet Facility Creates Dust Issue
Wood Pellet Facility Creates Dust Issue – by Linda Russell, September 3, 2013. Source: KY3 SPRINGFIELD, Mo.– Growing production at a pellet plant in Aurora means more jobs. But people who live nearby say it also means a lot more sawdust, so much that it’s hurting air quality there. MFA Oil Biomass opened the production facility on…
Dirty Air for Power We Don’t Need
Dirty Air for Power We Don’t Need – by Dick Stokes, September 19, 2013. Source: Gainesville-Sun The “big lie” method involves making a claim so preposterous people assume it must be true. Gainesville Regional Utilities made the preposterous claim that the air will be cleaner after the biomass incinerator (the Gainesville Renewable Energy Center) starts burning tons…
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