Tag: fracking

  • Families Get $4 Million For Fracking Water Contamination

    In March, a fed­er­al jury award­ed a total of $4.2 mil­lion to two fam­i­lies from Dimock, Penn­syl­va­nia whose drink­ing water wells have been con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed by Cabot Oil and Gas when drilling for nat­ur­al gas. “It’s been a bat­tle,” said plain­tiff Scott Ely, co-plain­tiff with Ray Hubert, in a law­suit against Cabot filed in 2009. “You’re up…

  • Water Abuse in the Fracking Process

    - by Alex Lotor­to, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network Water is used in shale gas devel­op­ment from cra­dle to grave, how­ev­er, most peo­ple don’t think about it beyond the issues of ground­wa­ter contamination. Procur­ing and bring­ing raw mate­ri­als like sil­i­ca sand, steel, cement, and frack­ing chem­i­cals to the well loca­tions requires an incred­i­ble amount of man­u­fac­tur­ing, trans­porta­tion,…

  • Eviction of Mobile Home Park for Fracking Water

    - by Alex Lotor­to, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network Riverdale Mobile Home Park was locat­ed on the Susque­han­na Riv­er in Piatt Town­ship, Jer­sey Shore, Penn­syl­va­nia. Res­i­dents were ordered to leave the park in March 2012 by Aqua PVR LLC, a project of Aqua Amer­i­ca, a pri­vate water util­i­ty, and Penn Vir­ginia Resources, a nat­ur­al gas pipeline company. …

  • Fracking Wastewater Treatment Facility Proposed in Pennsylvania

     — by Nicole Mul­vaney, Decem­ber 10, 2014, Times of Trenton An Israeli water recy­cling com­pa­ny is propos­ing a haz­ardous waste treat­ment facil­i­ty about 6 miles south­west of Tren­ton across the Delaware Riv­er in the Key­stone Indus­tri­al Port Complex. Elcon Recy­cling Cen­ter, which has an office in West Wind­sor, went before rep­re­sen­ta­tives of Pennsylvania’s Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal…

  • 300 Fracked Gas Power Plants Proposed in 45 States: Any Near You? [Energy Justice Now, Sept. 2014]

    Ready or not, here it comes: the Sep­tem­ber issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work’s new pub­li­ca­tion, Ener­gy Jus­tice Now! Inside this issue: - “Why We Must Fight Gas-Fired Pow­er Plants” - “Ener­gy Jus­tice Sum­mer: Stand­ing With Com­mu­ni­ties in the Shale­fields” - “What the Frack? Scrap­ing the Bot­tom of the Oil Bar­rel” …and more!!! Please share the Sep­tem­ber 2014 issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Now with your friends,…

  • What the Frack? Scraping the Bottom of the Oil Barrel is Not Good to the Last Drop

    - by Mark Robi­nowitz, PeakChoice.org The tox­ic impacts of hydraulic frac­tur­ing for oil and gas have been sub­ject to pub­lic debates, protests, and law­suits, among oth­er tac­tics to stop these dan­gers. But the oth­er half of the frack­ing sto­ry, which has had much less atten­tion, is the exag­ger­a­tion of recov­er­able reserves. The frack­ing indus­try claims shale…

  • Behind the Colorado Fracking Betrayal

    - by Joel Dyer, August 7, 2014, Boul­der Weekly So what went wrong with bal­lot mea­sures 88 and 89? How could these pop­u­lar citizen’s ini­tia­tives writ­ten to give local com­mu­ni­ties more con­trol over drilling and frack­ing in their neigh­bor­hoods have failed to get on the ballot? Well, the first mis­take Col­orado cit­i­zens made was they trust­ed…

  • American Lung Association Contradicts Its Own Mission on Fracking

    - by Ronald Saff and Mau­ra Stephens, May 22, 2014, Source: Truthout The Amer­i­can Lung Asso­ci­a­tion has acknowl­edged that frack­ing caus­es mas­sive amounts of can­cer-caus­ing air pol­lu­tion, and has urged stronger reg­u­la­tions, but after receiv­ing hefty dona­tions from a frack­ing com­pa­ny, the ALA switched to false­ly pro­mot­ing gas as “clean­er than oth­er fos­sil fuels.” “Sober­ing Sta­tis­tics Tell…

  • Obama’s New Year’s Resolution? More Fracking.

    The 2014 US Cli­mate Action Report to the Unit­ed Nations is out. The offi­cial line from the White House is cel­e­brat­ing how the US is going to meet the 2009 Copen­hagen green­house gas emis­sions com­mit­ment. How­ev­er, we read the fine print and here is Barack Oba­ma’s frack­ing plan for elec­tric­i­ty gen­er­a­tion in 2020: “Nat­ur­al gas-fired plants…

  • To Win Ohio and Pennsylvania, Obama Must Oppose Fracking

    by Alex Lotorto This morn­ing, I was sip­ping cof­fee and watch­ing Sun­day morn­ing talk shows with my par­ents. We talked about the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion when my dad mut­ed the com­mer­cial breaks that con­sis­tent­ly includ­ed fos­sil fuel indus­try commercials. My mom put it sim­ply, “I made phone calls, put up posters, and worked at the [Oba­ma]…