Tag: forests
Forest Thinning Will Increase Wildfire Risk
– by Charles Thomas, The Oregonian As fires again rage across the West, senators from John McCain, R-Ariz., to Ron Wyden, D-Ore., echo the refrain “thin the forests” to prevent wildfires. Unfortunately, most of the advocated thinning will actually stoke the wildfires of the future rather than lessen their occurrence and impacts. Thinning prescriptions proposed in…
More Logging and Biomass Burning Won’t Solve Job Woes
– by Rob Handy, July 6, 2014, Register Guard During my tenure as a Lane County commissioner, I watched Lane County’s timber harvest rise from 337 million board feet in 2009 to 590 million board feet in 2012, reported concisely by the state Department of Forestry. In spite of this huge surge, a 75 percent increase,…
Group Calls for Probe of Nova Scotia Biomass Logging
[The forest footprint for a biomass incinerator is massive. Will be interesting to see if any probe is done in regards to this facility. -Ed.] – by Erin Pottie, June 27, 2014, Cape Breton Bureau A Cape Breton environmental group is calling for an emergency review of harvesting practices at Nova Scotia Power’s biomass plant in…
Massachusetts Grants Millions to Biomass Industry
[Millions of taxpayer dollars go to polluting biomass incineration under the guise of “clean” energy. -Ed.] – by Anna Simet, June 5, 2014, Biomass Magazine Massachusetts has dedicated $3.5 million to nine renewable thermal projects in the state through a new grant program, the Massachusetts Renewable Thermal Business Investment Financing Program. Funds for the program are…
Cutting the Trees We Need to Save the Forest
– by Bob Berwyn, July 7, 2014, The Colorado Independent Even here, in a cool forest hollow near Tenmile Creek, you can feel the tom-toms. It’s a distant beat, born in the marbled halls of Congress, where political forces blow an ill wind across Colorado’s forests. Nearly every Western elected official with a clump of shrubby…
Activists Shut Down Seneca Biomass Incinerator in Eugene, Oregon
– by Cascadia Forest Defenders, July 7, 2014, Forest Defense Now Scores of activists with Cascadia Forest Defenders and Earth First! converged on the Seneca Jones biomass plant this morning to protest the company’s privatization of public lands in the Elliott State Forest and ongoing pollution in West Eugene. Currently several people have locked themselves to…
On Biomass, EPA Should Follow the Science
Other than the author’s support for so-called “sustainable” biomass, overall a decent piece. – Josh – by William H. Schlesinger, June 18, 2014, The Hill In America’s Southeastern states, there’s a booming energy trend that’s as big a step backward as imaginable. In fact, it stretches back to the time of cavemen. Power companies are burning…
Half the Wood for New Hampshire Biomass Incinerator from Out of State
– by Chris Jensen, May 23, 2014, New Hampshire Public Radio About 51 percent of the wood purchased for the new Burgess BioPower biomass plant in Berlin during its first two months of operation came from New Hampshire, according to a new “sustainability” report filed with the state’s Site Evaluation Committee. Thirty-five percent came from Maine. Five percent…
Farm Bill Based on Flawed Assumptions about Forest Health and Wildfire
– by George Wuerthner There are widely held assumptions that logging will reduce or preclude large wildfires and beetle outbreaks. The recent Farm Bill provision that would allow categorical exclusion to log up to 3000 acres without NEPA review is based on flawed assumptions about forest health and wildfire. 1. LARGE WILDFIRE CLIMATE DRIVEN Large…
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