Tag: forestry
34.5 Megawatt Biomass Project Planned for Japan
– September 16, 2014, New Generation Power New Generation Power International, a leading global renewable energy company, will develop three 11.5 Megawatt (MW) wood biomass plants in Japan. Together, Chicago-based New Generation Power International (NGPI) and Nippon Energy Solution, Inc. (NES) will launch a new wood-based biomass energy generation venture that will construct three separate facilities…
Thanks to NY Biomass Incinerator, Firewood More Difficult to Find
– by Pete Creedon, October 6, 2014, Watertown Daily Times Always nice to see a company come in an offer jobs and other things that will benefit the area it serves (“ReEnergy wins huge contract at Drum,” Sept. 30). The question is, at what cost? The people this will affect in a negative way are a…
Forest Service and Collaboratives Garden Our Forests
– by George Wuerthner, September 25, 2014, The Wildlife News If the public really understood the illogic behind Forest Service polices, including those endorsed by forest collaboratives, I am certain there would be more opposition to current Forest Service policies. First, most FS timber sales lose money. They are a net loss to taxpayers. After the…
USDA Splurges Millions on Biomass Power Incinerators
[More taxpayer money funding private corporations to log National Forests under the unscientific guise of “wildfire prevention.” -Ed.] – US Department of Agriculture, July 23, 2014, Office of Communications Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has selected 36 energy facilities in 14 states to accept biomass deliveries supported by…
Forest Thinning Will Increase Wildfire Risk
– by Charles Thomas, The Oregonian As fires again rage across the West, senators from John McCain, R-Ariz., to Ron Wyden, D-Ore., echo the refrain “thin the forests” to prevent wildfires. Unfortunately, most of the advocated thinning will actually stoke the wildfires of the future rather than lessen their occurrence and impacts. Thinning prescriptions proposed in…
Farm Bill Based on Flawed Assumptions about Forest Health and Wildfire
– by George Wuerthner There are widely held assumptions that logging will reduce or preclude large wildfires and beetle outbreaks. The recent Farm Bill provision that would allow categorical exclusion to log up to 3000 acres without NEPA review is based on flawed assumptions about forest health and wildfire. 1. LARGE WILDFIRE CLIMATE DRIVEN Large…
Biomass Energy Drives Wood Shortage in Nova Scotia
– Rachel Brighton, October 10, 2014, The Chronicle Herald [More evidence of biomass energy competing for limited wood source.] Opening up long-term access to western Crown lands will relieve some of the pressure that has been building in the forestry sector this year. This week the province announced that 16 sawmills and manufacturers had been granted…
Bioenergy Corporation to Cut and Burn Public Forests in Washington
– by Kate Prengaman, October 29, 2014 Yakima Herald-Republic Scientists are searching for the fuels of the future in high-tech laboratories around the world, but last week one research team debuted its new technology at a wood-chipping plant tucked in the forest outside Cle Elum. That’s because their technology runs on wood chips. Roasting the wood,…
Nippon Temporarily Shut Down Because of Biomass Fuel Problems at Power Plant
– by Paul Gottlieb, February 27, 2014. Source: Peninsula Daily News PORT ANGELES — Fuel-system problems with Nippon Paper Industries USA’s newly expanded biomass cogeneration plant have caused a two-week shutdown of the mill, according to a union official. Darrel Reetz, vice president of the Association of Western Pulp & Paper Workers Local 155, said Thursday…
Whole Trees 90% of Rothschild, WI Biomass Incinerator Fuel
– by Kevin Murphy, February 26, 2014. Source: Wasau Daily Herald wausaudailyherald The recently built power plant at Domtar paper mill is getting only 10 percent of its fuel from logging waste, which originally was supposed to supply nearly all of the plant’s energy needs. The 50-megawatt, $255 million power plant went online in November to provide steam for Domtar’s…
EJ Communities Map
![Map of Coal and Gas Facilities](https://energyjustice.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/map_small_new2.jpg)
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