Tag: energy
Transform Don’t Trash NYC
– by Gavin Kearney (Environmental Justice Director, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest) & Eddie Bautista (Executive Director, New York City Environmental Justice Alliance) New York City’s homes and businesses generate anywhere from 6 to 8 million tons of mixed solid waste every year – more than any other city in the country. And the manner…
Remembering Marvin Wheeler
– by Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network When we formed Allentown Residents for Clean Air (ARCA) in 2012, we couldn’t have kicked it off without Marvin Wheeler, who found us as an active member of the West Park Civic Association. As a retired school nurse, Marvin understood the health threat posed by the plan to burn 150…
Are Media Outlets Megaphones for Polluters?
Are Media Outlets Megaphones for Polluters? Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 5pm PST / 8 ET Guest Speaker: Steve Horn, Investigative Journalist Are media outlets doing an adequate job covering the health and environmental impacts of dirty energy corporations and other polluters? Not according to Steve Horn, a Madison, Wisconsin-based freelance investigative journalist and writer for DeSmogBlog. Steve…
Solar Generation May Sideline Biomass Heating
[Note: this article is written by long-time wood stove cheerleader, John Ackerly. It’s nice to see him admitting that his wood-burning dreams are about to be dashed by solar power. Energy Justice does not support combustion sources for heating, since non-burn alternatives exist, and since there are many pollution and health problems relating to wood stoves.]…
Chinese Incinerator Plan Cancelled After Thousands Join Protests
– by Mimi Lau, April 9, 2015, South China Morning Post A western Guangdong city has cancelled a plan to build an incinerator that prompted a protest – of up to 10,000 people on some accounts – during which three police cars were flipped and a duty office vandalised. Luoding city government posted two letters on…
Shuttered Claremont, New Hampshire Incinerator to Reopen
– by Patrick O’Grady, April 15, 2015, Valley News The shuttered Wheelabrator incinerator on Grissom Lane was sold at auction Tuesday for $1.63 million, with the buyer saying he plans to use it to burn municipal waste. As several bidders stood outside the plant hoping to pick up pieces of equipment at a bargain price, auctioneer…
Reject the Exelon Takeover of Pepco
Energy Justice Network testified in D.C. against Exelon energy corporation’s takeover of Pepco, electric service provider to Washington, D.C. and Maryland. This takeover is a bad deal for the District of Columbia and is not in the public interest. It would hit DC ratepayers with higher electricity bills, would undermine renewable energy and would not…
Save America’s Forests and Wild Lands from Anti-Environmental Congress
The logging, grazing, mining and other extractive industries are mounting an intense attack on our nation’s public lands. The December 2014 lame duck session of Congress saw an ugly brew of anti-conservation initiatives removing legal conservation protection from millions of acres of public lands. But this was just the tip of the oncoming extractive industries…
Radioactive Spikes from Nuclear Plants a Likely Cause of Childhood Leukemia
– by Dr. Ian Fairlie, Ecologist On 23rd August, The Ecologist published very clear evidence of increased cancers among children living near nuclear power stations around the world, including the UK. The story sparked much interest on social media sites, and perhaps more importantly, the article’s scientific basis (published in the academic peer-reviewed scientific journal the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity) was downloaded over…
$629 Million in Taxpayer Dollars for Bioenergy
– by Erin Voegele, March 19, 2015, Ethanol Producer Magazine On March 12, the U.S. Energy Information Administration published a report on direct federal financial interventions and subsidies in energy for fiscal year (FY) 2103. The report, which responds to a request from Reps. Fred Upton, R-Mich., chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce…
EJ Communities Map

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.
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