Springfield, MA Mayor Blocks Appeal Against Biomass Incinerator

– by Paul Tuthill, September 12, 2014, WAMC

The mayor of Springfield, Massachusetts won’t authorize an appeal to block construction of a wood-burning power plant.

A spokesman for Mayor Domenic Sarno said the mayor will not approve funds to appeal a court ruling that ordered the city to reinstate the building permit for the biomass project.  The city council voted 11-1 to file an appeal. Sarno’s spokesman said the mayor would not spend more taxpayer money on the case, because appeals are also being filed by neighbors of the proposed plant and community organizer Michaelann Bewsee, who said the plant will contribute to air pollution.

“We’ve got to protect the health of the people of the city.”

The developer of the power plant said it will meet stringent environmental standards and provide 200 construction jobs and 50 permanent jobs.




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