Speak Up On “National Bioenergy Truth Day” – Thursday, October 17

Speak Up On “National Bioenergy Truth Day” – Thursday, October 17  

Please take 5 minutes of your time on Thursday, October 17 to make phone calls to select members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (listed below with talking points) to voice your opposition to the latest piece of legislation that would open the door to dozens more air-polluting, climate-changing, water-fouling, forest-trashing biomass incinerators.

The biomass incineration industry has dubbed Thursday, October 17, 2013 “National Bioenergy Day.” Biomass energy and logging corporations will be holding events in collaboration with trade groups, schools, and universities across the U.S. and Canada to “raise awareness about the benefits of bioenergy” —  a.k.a. spew industry propaganda.

The Anti-Biomass Incineration Campaign has renamed October 17 “National Bioenergy Truth Day” so we can unite the voices of our national network to expose the truth about the dire health and environmental consequences of biomass incineration.

Like the National Forest legislation recently passed in the U.S. House of Representatives, Senator Ron Wyden’s (D-OR) framework would kick off a free-for-all logging fest in Oregon and lead the way to a similar logging binge in other Western states, financed by your tax dollars, and partly sold under the guise of unscientific “wildfire prevention” and phony “restoration.” The biomass energy industry is dependent on getting its hands on more forests to feed more hungry incinerators, so let’s cut them off at the source!

Please contact Samantha Chirillo at Energy Justice Network today (samantha [at] energyjustice [dot] net) with your pledge to call Congress on Thursday, October 17, to ensure that sound science and common sense are front and center on “National Bioenergy Truth Day.” 

Members – U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

Senator Ron Wyden (OR) – (202) 224-5244

Senator Maria Cantwell (WA) – (202) 224-3441 

Senator Tammy Baldwin (WI) – (202) 224-5653

Senator Martin Heinrich (NM) – (202) 224-5521

Senator Brian Schatz (HI) – (202) 224-3934


• Biomass energy is an air and climate polluter, NOT “clean and green.”

• More logging will worsen runaway climate change, increase soil erosion and flooding, foul watersheds, and kill fish and wildlife. 

• Backcountry logging can’t protect homes from wildfire, maintaining defensible space 100-200 feet around homes can. 

• Stop the export of raw and chipped logs to keep jobs and forests at home.  




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