Send Caroline to Annapolis!

With the passage of Senate Bill 690 during Maryland’s 2011 Legislative Session, Maryland started on the path of becoming the Trash Capital of the U.S.

This needs to stop, and we need your help.

Legislators need to hear from voices that represent the interests of Maryland residents, not from paid lobbyists and state agencies who misrepresent burning trash as clean energy!

Frederick and Carroll Counties avoided the mistake of building a 1500 ton per day trash, sludge, and tire incinerator, because the citizens educated the county officials about the contractual and economic terms of these facilities.

Now, Maryland’s General Assembly with 69 new members need to learn the downside of incineration versus the economic and environmental benefit of Zero Waste practices. It’s time to move Maryland toward reusing resources instead of burning them.

Caroline Eader, who was born and raised in Frederick, Maryland was one of the main opponents helping to defeat the Frederick incinerator. Caroline worked with Energy Justice, Institute for Local Self Reliance and others to develop a plan which ultimately defeated the proposed Frederick incinerator. She will be going to Annapolis in March and April to analyze bills regarding incineration, Zero Waste, and to work for the advancement of clean energy.

Energy Justice needs your monetary support to pay for this intensive work in Annapolis this legislative session. Tax-deductible donations to this link will be used for Caroline’s work in Annapolis.

Why send Caroline?

For 7 years Caroline worked on stopping the proposed incinerator for her hometown of Frederick, Maryland. To the grassroots battle she added her energy, political savvy, and relentless attention to detail and ability to analyze contracts and the financial implications to taxpayers. The project was defeated November 2014.

Caroline holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Biology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a Sustainability Management Certificate from the University of Colorado Environmental Center which included training in Zero Waste, Recycling and Waste Management; Sustainable Electricity Systems; Smart Grid; Solar Electric; Sustainability Coordinator; Creative Financing of Sustainability Initiatives; Communicating Sustainability; Sustainability for Municipalities; and Sustainable Strategies in the Building Industry.

During the course of the campaign against the incinerator in Frederick Caroline decided to pursue a master’s degree in Energy, Regulation and Law at Vermont Law School. She will be graduating this spring with her course work to date being Renewable Energy Law & Policy; America’s Energy Crisis – Solutions; Energy Regulation and the Environment; Energy Law & Policy in a Carbon Constrained World; Environmental Law; Oil and Gas Production & the Environment.

Let’s join together to have our voice heard in Annapolis! Caroline will be working to teach Maryland legislators that Zero Waste will have benefits nationwide as it will set a precedent for the rest of the country to move towards. The result will be more jobs, more prosperity, and a cleaner environment for all.

Please, Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation Here

Or Mail Your Check to:
Action Center Inc
1434 Elbridge St
Philadelphia PA 19149
… and mark the donation “Caroline”.

To read more:

“Caroline has been a valuable resource person for grassroots advocates nationwide, particularly around the economics of waste incineration and zero waste business opportunities. She diligently scrutinizes incinerator contract documents, and uncovers taxpayer dollars used to subsidize wasteful practices, articulately pointing to how more cost-effective programs are implemented to conserve natural resources and repair soil health through recycling, reuse, composting, and other zero waste strategies.”
~ Monica Wilson, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, U.S & Canada Program Director





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Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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