– by Alex Lotorto, Energy Justice Network Energy Justice Network is on the cutting edge of fighting fracking and related infrastructure in the northeast. It’s a special organizing challenge to fight pipelines, as we’re fighting a line, not a point, on the map. Companies and agencies won’t release data listing all impacted landowners. In…
Now through the end of March: Come up to Susquehanna County and defend the Holleran family’s maple syrup grove from being cut down for a gas pipeline! http://wnep.com/2016/02/01/trees-on-chopping-block-for-natural-gas-pipe…“A family’s maple syrup operation is in jeopardy in Susquehanna County…”
– by Dr. Brian Moench, Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment Civilization orchestrates the curbing of one person’s freedoms for the protection of others and the greater good. When two people’s freedoms are mutually exclusive, civilization embraces the concept that the freedom to not be harmed by others takes precedence. Traffic laws, zoning ordinances, and…
– by Debra Moore, April 5, 2015, Plumas County News The Sierra Institute is poised to receive $2.6 million from the California Energy Commission, but first the public will have a chance to comment on the biomass boiler that would be built near the county’s health and human services building in Quincy. The commission announced March…
Energy Justice Network testified in D.C. against Exelon energy corporation’s takeover of Pepco, electric service provider to Washington, D.C. and Maryland. This takeover is a bad deal for the District of Columbia and is not in the public interest. It would hit DC ratepayers with higher electricity bills, would undermine renewable energy and would not…
by Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network While Energy Justice Network’s work is mainly focused on helping you win grassroots victories, we’ve had to weigh in on some state and national policies that would have major consequences for how many bad ideas need to be fought. Misguided policies aiming to limit coal or climate pollution continue…
Our end of the year fundraising drive raised a record $10,000 in donations! Thanks to everyone for the support and we will be fighting hard for and with you in 2014.
by Alex Lotorto This morning, I was sipping coffee and watching Sunday morning talk shows with my parents. We talked about the presidential election when my dad muted the commercial breaks that consistently included fossil fuel industry commercials. My mom put it simply, “I made phone calls, put up posters, and worked at the [Obama]…
We can meet all of our electricity needs with wind and solar. But what about when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining? Coal, nuclear and natural gas make up 88% of the U.S. electricity mix. There are several answers to the myth that intermittent energy sources like wind and solar can’t replace…
On Thursday, March 23rd, executive deputy secretary of the PA Department of Environmental Protection, John Hines, hit send on an unanticipated and regressive email memo ordering all Pennsylvania gas inspectors to stop issuing violations against drillers without prior approval from political appointee Michael Krancer. The dramatic policy change will effectively suppress “Notice of Violations” (NOV)…
We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.
Race & Class Census Map