Abstract: Outbreak of copper poisoning in cattle fed poultry litter.

Nation­al Library of Med­i­cine MEDLINE Database

TITL: Out­break of cop­per poi­son­ing in cat­tle fed poul­try litter.

AUTH: Tokar­nia CH; Dobere­in­er J; Peixo­to PV; Moraes SS

ORGA: Pro­je­to Sanidade Ani­mal Embrapa/UFRRJ, Sero­pe­di­ca, Brazil.

PUB TYPE: Jour­nal Article.

CITE: Vet Hum Tox­i­col 2000 Apr; 42 (2): 92–5

LANG: ENG; English

ABST: In a feed­lot of about 1,000 head of cat­tle, 146 ani­mals died with­in a
peri­od of a few months affect­ed by a dis­ease char­ac­ter­ized by anorex­ia, icterus,
hemo­glo­bin­uria, con­sti­pa­tion, or diar­rhea. The clin­i­cal course of the disease
last­ed a few days. Post­mortem find­ings were gen­er­al­ized icterus and a yellow
dis­col­ored liv­er. The kid­neys were dark brown, and the uri­nary blad­der was
filled with urine of the same dark-brown col­or. The main histopathological
find­ings were cen­trolob­u­lar coag­u­la­tive necro­sis, apop­to­sis, bilesta­sis, and
pro­lif­er­a­tion of bile ducts in the por­tal space. Changes in the kidneys
includ­ed nephro­sis and the pres­ence of bile and pre­cip­i­tates, and cylin­ders of
albu­min and of hemo­glo­bin in the urinif­er­ous tubules. Liv­er sam­ples, collected
from 3 ani­mals on which post­mortem exam­i­na­tions were per­formed, had 2,008, 2,783
and 4,906 ppm cop­per in their dry mat­ter. Two sam­ples of poul­try lit­ter fed to
the cat­tle con­tained 362 and 323 ppm cop­per. The green for­age that formed the
rest of their feed only had 4.7 ppm cop­per. Cop­per poi­son­ing was diag­nosed, most
prob­a­bly caused by feed­ing lit­ter from poul­try that had been fed a ration
treat­ed with cop­per sul­fate to avoid aspergillosis.

MJTR: Ani­mal Feed, adverse effects. Cat­tle Dis­eases, chem­i­cal­ly induced.
Cop­per, poi­son­ing. Dis­ease Out­breaks, vet­eri­nary. Manure. Poisoning,
vet­eri­nary. Poultry.

MNTR: Ani­mal. Ani­mal Feed, analy­sis. Brazil, epi­demi­ol­o­gy. Case Report.
Cat­tle. Cat­tle Dis­eases, epi­demi­ol­o­gy. Cop­per, analy­sis. Fatal Outcome.
Grass­es, chem­istry. Kid­ney, drug effects. Kid­ney, pathol­o­gy. Liver,
chem­istry. Liv­er, drug effects. Liv­er, pathol­o­gy. Manure, analysis.
Poi­son­ing, epi­demi­ol­o­gy. Poi­son­ing, etiology.

RNUM: 0 (Manure); 7440–50‑8 (Cop­per)


IDEN: ISSN: 0145–6296. JOURNAL-CODE: XBV; 7704194. ENTRY-DATE: 20000512.

ACCE: 20213758

PMID: 10750174

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