Mercury in Landfill Gas

Studies on Mercury content in Landfill Gas

Airborne Emissions of Mercury from Municipal Landfill Operations: A Short-Term Measurement Study in Florida by Lindberg & Price in Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 1999

Pathways of Mercury in Solid Waste Disposal – ORNL sampling operations summary and preliminary data report for PaMSWaD-I, Brevard County landfill by Lindberg, Roy, Owens, Reinhart, McCreanol & Price, 1999.

Methylated mercury species in municipal waste landfill gas sampled in Florida, USA by Lindberg, Wallschlager, Prestbo, Bloom, Price & Reinhart in Atmospheric Environment, 2001.

Gaseous methyl- and inorganic mercury in landfill gas from landfills in Florida, Minnesota, Delaware, and California by Lindberg, Southworth, Prestbo, Wallschlager, Bogle & Price in Atmospheric Environment, 2005.

Airborne Emissions of Mercury from Municipal Solid Waste. I: New Measurements from Six Operating Landfills in Florida by Lindberg, Southworth, Bogle, Blasing, Owens, Roy, Zhang, Kulken, Price, Reinhart & Sfeir in Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 2005.

Airborne Emissions of Mercury from Municipal Solid Waste. II: Potential Losses of Airborne Mercury before Landfill by Southworth, Lindberg, Bogle, Zhang, Kulken, Price, Reinhart & Sfeir in Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 2005.

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