Where are Ethanol Plants?
- List of Existing Ethanol Plants (and those under construction)Accompanying map with this data
- Map of Minnesota Ethanol Plants
Proposed Ethanol Plants / Opposition Groups:
- Help Our Polluted Environment (HOPE) (Taylor County, FL)
- The Goodland Energy Center (Fighting a proposed plant in Goodland, MI)
- Clean Air for Citizens of Barrie (Barrie, Ontario)
- Concerned Citizens of Malheur County (Ontario, Oregon — on Idaho border)
- Neighbors for Good Neighbors LLC (Lena, Illinois)
- Pike/Gibson Citizens for Quality Environment (southern Indiana)
- Sierra Club to Sue South Bend Ethanol Plant (South Bend, Indiana)
- Nordic Biofuels LLC (Proposed Ethanol plant in Ravenna, Nebraska)
- Citizens Against Re-zoning for Ethanol (CARE) (Seneca Falls, New York)
- Finger Lakes Future Alliance (Seneca County, New York)
- Citizens for Ethanol Education (Dunkirk, New York)
- Citizens Against Environment Injustice [email Maureen Cleary Schaeffer] (Buffalo, New York)
- Crestline Ethanol (two opposition blogs: Crestline Ohio Ethanol Plant Information and Just Say No To Ethanol For Crestline, Ohio)
- Citizens for a Quality Environment (Greene Township, Franklin County, Pennsylvania)
- C-Power: Citizens Protecting Our Water/Air from an Ethanol Refinery (Conoy Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania)
- Clean Curwensville (Curwensville Borough, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania)
- Concerned Mayfield Residents (Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania)
- The smell of spin – article on Wisconsin Initiative for Sustainable Local Environments (WISLE), the coalition that ran proposed ethanol plants out of Menomonie, Arlington, Elba, Algoma, and Nekimi. Current battles are raging in Cambria, Utica, Augusta and a number of other communities. Meanwhile, ethanol plants have been built in only two Wisconsin communities, Stanley and Monroe.
- Cambrians for Thoughtful Development (Columbia County, WI)
- Stop The Ethanol Plant (STEP2) (Elba, WI)
- Archive of Menomonie Area Concerned Citizens and their ethanol page (Menomonie, Wisconsin)