Tire Incineration Opposing Groups

Below is a list of groups opposed to tire incineration. It is VERY incomplete, so please contact us if you know of other groups that should be listed here. Groups are listed by state/province, with national/international groups at the bottom.


Alberni Environmental Coalition
Website: http://www.portaec.net/local/tireburning/
Phone: 250-723-4666
Address: 4770 Johnston Road, Port Alberni, BC (Canada)


Save The Ichetucknee River
Website: http://www.ichetucknee.org
Email: info@ichetucknee.org
Notes: Fighting a proposed tire-burning cement kiln.

The three groups below fought for over two years and stopped the proposal for the world’s largest dedicated tire incinerator in Preston, MN. It was defeated in January 2005.

Southeastern Minnesotans for Environmental Protection
Website: http://www.semep.org/semep.html
Email: semepmn@yahoo.com or r.sauer@mchsi.com
Address: P.O. Box 261, Preston, MN 55965

Citizens Against Pollution
Website: http://www.citizensagainstpollution.org
Email: people@citizensagainstpollution.org

Sierra Club North Star Chapter – Minnesota
Website: http://www.northstar.sierraclub.org/heartland
Contact: Michelle Rosier, Sierra Club Clean Air Organizer
Phone: 612-659-9124
Email: michelle.rosier@sierraclub.org


Montanans Against Toxic Burning
Website: http://www.notoxicburning.org
Email: info@NoToxicBurning.org
Address: P.O. Box 1082, Bozeman, MT 59771


Friends of Hudson
Website: http://www.friendsofhudson.org
Email: sampratt@mac.com
Phone: 518-822-0334
Address: Box 362 Hudson, NY 12534
Notes: Stopped the construction of a cement kiln proposed by Holcim / Saint Lawrence Cement which could have burn tires for fuel if built. Now fighting Lafarge’s plans to burn 5 million tires/year in Ravena, NY.

People for Less Pollution
Website: www.lesspollution.org
Email: nontoxic@sover.net
Phone: 802-388-7050
Address: PO Box 1350, Middlebury, VT 05752
Email list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PeopleForLessPollution/

Northeast Clean Air Coalition
Address: PO Box 95, Vergennes, VT 05491
802-759-2259 Phone/Fax

Notes: People for Less Pollution and Northeast Clean Air Coalition led the fight against proposed tire burning at the International Paper (IP) paper mill in Ticonderoga in eastern New York State, near the Vermont border. IP started a test burn in late 2006 and gave up when test data showed unacceptably high emissions.


Citizens Against Burning of Tires (CABOT)
Notes: Fighting tire burning at Lafarge Brookfield cement kiln.


Keep Erie’s Environment Protected (KEEP)
Notes: Fighting largest proposal for a dedicated tire incinerator in the U.S. (800 tons/day) planned by Erie Renewable Energy, LLC (owned by Boston-based Caletta Renewable Energy, LLC).


Texas Center for Policy Studies
Website: http://www.texascenter.org/tires/
Email: cr@texascenter.org
Phone: 512-474-0811
Fax: 512-474-7846 Address: 44 East Avenue Suite 306, Austin, TX 78701
Notes: Fighting tire-burning cement kilns along U.S.-Mexico border.

Downwinders At Risk
Website: http://www.downwindersatrisk.org/
Email: Info@DownwindersAtRisk.org
Phone: 972-296-9100
Fax: 972-296-9106
Address: 400 North Main Street, Duncanville, TX 75116


Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance/Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA)
Website: http://www.no-burn.org
Address: Unit 320, Eagle Court Cond., 26 Matalino St., Barangay Central, Quezon City, Philippines
(Regional addresses can be found on their website.)

Sierra Club – Lone Star Chapter
Neil Carman, Ph.D.
Email: neil_carman@greenbuilder.com

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