Hype and Myths

The Hype and Myths of Cellulosic Ethanol

  • Agrofuels and the Myth of Marginal Lands September, 2008.
    A briefing by The Gaia Foundation, Biofuelwatch, African Biodiversity Network, Salva La Selva, Watch Indonesia and EcoNexus. This is an excellent 8 page brief exposing this Marginal Land Myth outlining consequences complete with various case studies.
  • Life Cycle Analysis of Biomass to Liquid 2008.
    This study elaborates a life cycle assessment of using of BTL-fuels (biomass-to-liquid) compiled and published within a European research project.
  • Ethanol Production Using Corn, Switchgrass, and Wood. March 2005.
    By Pimentel and Patzek. Scientific, peer reviewed study taking a critical look at the net energy returns and some environmental impacts. Clear, concise and only 10 pages.
  • Biofuel by Decree
    released 1 May, 2008.

    Biofuel by Decree, a new report by the Ethnic Community Development Forum, unmasks Burma’s bio-energy fiasco. The report details how the military’s nation-wide campaign to plant eight million acres of the toxic tree Jatropha curcas for biodiesel production is resulting in forced labor, land confiscation, loss of income and food insecurity

  • The ETC Group The ETC Group has an international scope with many publications with issues ranging from Human/Farmer’s Rights, Biotechnology, Geoengineering, and Corporate Concentration. A wealth of quality information to understand the truths and available in other languages including French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.
  • The True Cost of Agrofuels: Impacts on Food, Forests, People and Climate 2007.
    This report is one of the most complete analysis of the multiple aspects of Agrofuels covering issues of soil, corporate control and consolidation, water, plantations and pulp mills, fertilizer usage, Genetic Engineering, transportation, and climate change. The conclusion fleshes out pathways and solutions to meeting the challenges for which agrofuels are a false solution.

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