Ethanol and Pollution Belching Refineries


  • EPA allows dirt­i­er ethanol pro­duc­tion by relax­ing envi­ron­men­tal rule­sOct 23rd 2006 by Der­rick Y. Noh

    “Under exist­ing rules, ethanol plants are con­sid­ered major sources of air pol­lu­tion if they emit more than 100 tons of tox­ic chem­i­cals per year…Most new refiner­ies are expect­ed to emit just below the 250 ton limit…Some envi­ron­men­tal groups believe that one of the pri­ma­ry motives behind the rule change is to allow a switch to coal for ethanol production.”

    EPA Fact Sheet — Pro­posed Changes

  • EPA Ethanol Plant Clean Air Act Enforce­ment Initiative
  • Ethanol plants reach set­tle­ment with EPA (Oct 2002)
  • Gopher State ethanol prob­lems trig­ger nation­al crack­down (Sept 2002)
  • Ethanol Pol­lu­tion Sur­prise (CBS News, 5/3/2002)
  • Gopher State Ethanol pollution


  • Carthage turkey plant cit­ed over air qual­i­ty stan­dard­s­The turkeys-to-ethanol process is appar­ent­ly a bit stinky…

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