Coal Ash

Coal ash is the waste prod­uct left over from burn­ing coal. It is almost entire­ly unreg­u­lat­ed, high in heavy met­als, and every year ener­gy com­pa­nies gen­er­ate more than 150 mil­lion tons of it. While most waste reduc­tion efforts tar­get res­i­den­tial recy­cling and some­times con­struc­tion debris, coal ash is the sec­ond largest waste stream in the Unit­ed States and can be found in 47 states. The ash is dis­posed of in lagoons (wet pits), land­fills (dry pits), and mine pits. It can and has leaked from all of these types of dump sites .

After a dev­as­tat­ing coal ash spill in Decem­ber 2008 in Har­ri­man, TN major news out­lets began to take notice.

The out­lets asked basic, yet reveal­ing ques­tions – What is coal ash? Where is it stored? How is it stored? How does it affect com­mu­ni­ties when it spills or leaks? Is it regulated?

The answers are alarm­ing. Coal ash con­tains boron, cad­mi­um, sele­ni­um, mer­cury, arsenic, chromi­um, and oth­er dan­ger­ous ele­ments. The ash is often stored in large unmain­tained sur­face impound­ments, ponds, and aban­doned mine sites.  There are more than 180 known sites that store this ash in unlined or par­tial­ly lined pits. Coal ash acci­dents can take var­i­ous forms from the col­lapse of a sur­face impound­ment dam (as hap­pened in TN) or in met­als leach­ing into ground and drink­ing water. Leak­ing sites span Indi­ana, Geor­gia, South Car­oli­na, New Mex­i­co, Col­orado, and Vir­ginia. The list goes on. In 2007 the EPA con­firmed 24 cas­es of leak­ing ash pits that result­ed in con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed water bod­ies. Then, in 2010 it had con­firmed 67 leak­ing sites.

These leak­ing sites pose a health threat to the com­mu­ni­ties in which they are locat­ed. A risk assess­ment draft­ed by the EPA in August 2007, esti­mat­ed that expo­sure to coal com­bus­tion waste (CCW) rais­es an individual’s can­cer risk 9x high­er than smok­ing a pack of cig­a­rettes a day, and 900x high­er than the ‘accept­able risk’ cal­cu­lat­ed under EPA’s reg­u­la­to­ry frame­work (Source: Sier­ra Club) . The assess­ment found that of peo­ple who live near a coal ash site, 1 in 50 are diag­nosed with can­cer from arsenic con­t­a­m­i­na­tion (an ‘ingre­di­ent’ in coal ash). The In Har­m’s Way (PDF) report (2010) found that every sin­gle ash site equipped with ground­wa­ter mon­i­tors showed arsenic lev­els in exceedance of the fed­er­al drink­ing water stan­dards. And as air pol­lu­tion con­trols improve, the ash becomes more tox­ic since heavy met­als such as mer­cury and arsenic are fil­tered out and col­lect­ed in the ash.

Despite the EPA’s analy­sis con­firm­ing the adverse health effects of coal ash expo­sure, there are no fed­er­al reg­u­la­tions on the waste and coal ash is entire­ly unreg­u­lat­ed in at least 20 states .  On coal ash reg­u­la­tion, Sue Stur­gis, inves­tiga­tive reporter with Fac­ing South online mag­a­zine writes, “For exam­ple, most states don’t require ground­wa­ter mon­i­tor­ing and runoff col­lec­tion at coal ash impound­ments, and more than half don’t require lin­ers or finan­cial assur­ances to guar­an­tee the own­ers can pay for cleanup of any con­t­a­m­i­na­tion that might occur.”

Often the waste is shipped to the cheap­est, least reg­u­lat­ed depos­i­to­ry — often in low-income com­mu­ni­ties. For instance, fol­low­ing the mas­sive ash spill in Ten­nessee, the Ten­nessee Val­ley Author­i­ty (TVA) began ship­ping its waste more than 300 miles south to Per­ry Coun­ty, AL.  In Per­ry Coun­ty (where coal ash is entire­ly unreg­u­lat­ed), res­i­dents found them­selves the uncon­sult­ed hosts of 3 mil­lion tons of coal ash from Har­ri­man, TN’s spill.  The coal ash facil­i­ty in Union­town, AL is sur­round­ed by three church­es and 212 peo­ple with­in a radius of a mile and a half.

Run-off from its mas­sive land­fill is 80x the safe drink­ing water stan­dard .

Union­town is 88 per­cent African-Amer­i­can and near­ly half of its res­i­dents live below the pover­ty line – a fact that has raised ques­tions about envi­ron­men­tal injus­tice, includ­ing envi­ron­men­tal racism.

Union­town is just one of many low-income com­mu­ni­ties to sit beside a coal ash dump.  An analy­sis of 44 sites the EPA lists as “high haz­ard” (where dam fail­ure would like­ly cause loss of life), shows that 45 per­cent are in areas with large low-income pop­u­la­tions. Though nation­al pover­ty rates hov­er around 12 per­cent, sev­er­al of the sites are sit­u­at­ed in areas with pover­ty lev­els of 19, 20, and 29 per­cent . Trends of envi­ron­men­tal injus­tice based on race and class could be sig­nif­i­cant­ly more pro­nounced if the analy­sis includ­ed sites that pose a threat due to leach­ing or if it ana­lyzed all coal ash sites, not only the ones iden­ti­fied as “high hazard”.

Large-scale spills, a grow­ing list of leaky sites & cor­re­lat­ing adverse health impacts, charges of envi­ron­men­tal racism at ash dumps, and the sheer vol­ume of the waste stream, all put coal ash in the reg­u­la­to­ry spot­light.  After decades of delay, in May 2010, the EPA began accept­ing com­ments on two pro­posed reg­u­la­to­ry frame­works to set fed­er­al stan­dards for coal ash dis­pos­al under the Resource Con­ser­va­tion and Recov­ery Act (RCRA). The EPA pro­posed to reg­u­late the ash either under Sub­ti­tle C or under less strin­gent Sub­ti­tle D. Reg­u­lat­ing ash under Sub­ti­tle C would appro­pri­ate­ly clas­si­fy the tox­ic ash as a haz­ardous waste, while under Sub­ti­tle D it would be treat­ed as house­hold garbage with over­sight pro­vid­ed by state agen­cies and enforce­ment pro­vid­ed through cit­i­zen law­suits. Even before state bud­gets were slashed across the coun­try, reg­u­lat­ing this car­cino­genic ash under fed­er­al­ly enforce­able Sub­ti­tle C, instead of industry’s ‘self-imple­ment­ing’ Sub­ti­tle D, was the obvi­ous respon­si­ble course of action. Nei­ther option pre­vents or reg­u­lates ‘ben­e­fi­cial use ’ — the recy­cling of coal ash. Coal ash recy­cling comes in sev­er­al forms includ­ing adding it into con­crete, cement, and wall­board there­by even­tu­al­ly con­struct­ing a built envi­ron­ment out of the ash, spread­ing it onto roads for trac­tion, dump­ing it on agri­cul­tur­al land, and using it as fill mate­r­i­al at con­struc­tion sites. The Amer­i­can Coal Ash Asso­ci­a­tion report­ed that 44 per­cent of coal ash is recy­cled in one of these forms, mak­ing the reg­u­la­to­ry loop­hole all the more significant.

The EPA has received an out­pour­ing of 450,000 pub­lic com­ments on the reg­u­la­tions. In ear­ly March 2011 EPA Admin­is­tra­tor Lisa Jack­son stat­ed that the deci­sion and issuance of fed­er­al ash reg­u­la­tions would be pushed off into 2012.

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