Category: Uncategorized

  • Zero Waste Hierarchy

    Print­able PDF version Zero Waste Hier­ar­chy (short, sweet ver­sion): RedesignReduceSource Sep­a­rate: (reusables, recy­cling, com­post­ing and trash) Zero Waste Hier­ar­chy (in more detail): The land­fill man­age­ment aspects are nuanced because it’s crit­i­cal to ensure that green­house gas emis­sions from land­fills are avoid­ed, unlike how land­fills are com­mon­ly man­aged today. For a full appre­ci­a­tion of the need for…

  • Letter to EPA Objecting to Loopholes in Carbon Pollution Standards for New Power Plants

    [In May 2013, over 500 grass­roots activists sent in this sign-on let­ter to EPA about their inad­e­quate Car­bon Pol­lu­tion Stan­dards for New Pow­er Plants.] Dear EPA Admin­is­tra­tor McCarthy: Your pro­posed CO2 rule for new elec­tric gen­er­at­ing units falls short in sev­er­al ways and must be strength­ened so that it does not wors­en glob­al warm­ing and…

  • Energy Justice Network gets 131 groups opposing DOE loans for incinerators

    In just six days over the hol­i­day week­end, we got 131 groups signed on to a let­ter to Depart­ment of Ener­gy, oppos­ing bil­lions in renew­able ener­gy sub­si­dies from ben­e­fit­ing incin­er­a­tion, bio­mass and biofuels. It includ­ed about 100 grass­roots or state/regional groups from 27 states plus DC and Puer­to Rico as well as about 30 nation­al…

  • High-Grade Wood Going to Nova Scotia Biomass Incinerator

    - by Tom Ayer , May 12, 2014, Source: Cape Bre­ton Bureau Pho­to: Erin Pot­tie, Cape Bre­ton Bureau Top sto­ries in Halifax Busi­ness own­ers in Cape Bre­ton who rely on the for­est for a liv­ing say high-qual­i­ty hard­woods are mak­ing their way into Nova Sco­tia Power’s bio­mass plant in Point Tup­per, con­sum­ing a wood sup­ply that…

  • Zero Waste

    Zero Waste is defined as “The con­ser­va­tion of all resources by means of respon­si­ble pro­duc­tion, con­sump­tion, reuse, and recov­ery of prod­ucts, pack­ag­ing, and mate­ri­als with­out burn­ing and with no dis­charges to land, water, or air that threat­en the envi­ron­ment or human health.” It’s not a utopic idea, but a set of poli­cies and prac­tices intend­ed…

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery is NOT Carbon Sequestration

    Most car­bon seques­tra­tion projects involve using the CO2 to pump into under­ground oil for­ma­tions in order to get out more oil than they’d  nor­mal­ly be able to extract.  This has some obvi­ous con­tra­dic­tions and should not be con­sid­ered car­bon seques­tra­tion, espe­cial­ly since much of that CO2 comes back up in the pro­duced oil. As this MIT…

  • Incinerators are NOT “waste-to-energy” facilities

    Note to Jour­nal­ists and Activists:Incin­er­a­tors are NOT “waste-to-ener­gy” facilities Words Mean Things Any jour­nal­ist seek­ing to be accu­rate and objec­tive should nev­er call an incin­er­a­tor a “waste-to-ener­gy” facil­i­ty. Jour­nal­ists and envi­ron­men­tal­ists should not spread the con­fu­sion by repeat­ing this pub­lic rela­tions term. The term “waste-to-ener­gy incin­er­a­tor” should be replaced with sim­ply “incin­er­a­tor” or “[waste type] incin­er­a­tor”…

  • 220,000 acres of Colorado’s White River National Forest to be Logged for Biomass Energy

    Demand for bio­mass ener­gy in Col­orado will require log­ging in 220,000 acres of the White Riv­er Nation­al For­est. ‑Ed. - by Allen Best, March 6, 2014. Source: Moun­tain Town News For most of the last decade, Col­oradans have been talk­ing about how to make good use of their moun­tain forests, dying and gray. Some­thing is final­ly happening.…

  • Judith Johnsrud

    OBITUARY FOR DR. JUDITH H. JOHNSRUD July 1, 1931 – March 9, 2014 Judith H. John­srud of State Col­lege, PA, a high­ly-respect­ed hero to oppo­nents of nuclear ener­gy in the Unit­ed States and around the world, was born July 1, 1931, and grew up in Ham­mond, Indi­ana.  As a teenag­er Judy, as she was known to…

  • Solar Catches on in Iowa

    By Karen Uhlenhuth Decem­ber 18, 2013 Mid­west Ener­gy News Iowa is well estab­lished as a nation­al leader in wind ener­gy and bio­fu­els. And now the state is poised for seri­ous growth in solar as well. “The mar­ket is explod­ing in Iowa,” says Tim Dwight, a for­mer Iowa Hawk­eye and NFL star who has become one of his home state’s most…

EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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