Category: Uncategorized

  • Trash Incineration and Climate Change: Debunking EPA Misinformation

    Trash incin­er­a­tion is incred­i­bly bad for the cli­mate, releas­ing 2.5 times as much car­bon diox­ide CO2 to make the same amount of elec­tric­i­ty as a coal pow­er plant. This is evi­denced by nation­al data com­piled by the U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency (EPA) in their eGRID database. How­ev­er, the indus­try, with the sup­port of the EPA,…

  • Mapping Change in Median Household Income

    I recent­ly updat­ed the Income Lay­er on Jus­tice Map to use the lat­est 2011–2015 Amer­i­can Com­mu­ni­ty Sur­vey data. You can view the data by coun­ty or by cen­sus tract (rough­ly 4000 peo­ple). While cen­sus tracts pro­vide high­er res­o­lu­tion that helps us iden­ti­fy areas of envi­ron­men­tal injus­tice, unfor­tu­nate­ly the con­fi­dence inter­val is much larg­er. So there is a lot…

  • Environmental Justice in Virginia

    Lor­ton, Vir­ginia is one of the state’s most stark cas­es of envi­ron­men­tal injus­tice. Lor­ton hosts three land­fills, a sewage sludge incin­er­a­tor and one of the largest and dirt­i­est trash incin­er­a­tors in the nation. Cov­an­ta Fair­fax is the third largest trash incin­er­a­tor in the nation and is the biggest air pol­luter in Fair­fax County.  Accord­ing to…

  • DC United Soccer Stadium site — Toxic Contamination Documents

    Zon­ing Case 16–02 A Res­o­lu­tion from ANC Regard­ing the DC Unit­ed Con­sol­i­dat­ed PUD — 10–17-16 Com­mu­ni­ty Health and Safe­ty Study (CHASS) (70 pp; Aug 2016) — con­duct­ed by the Dis­trict Depart­ment of Health to look at the over­all health and eco­nom­ic vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties of the community New Jer­sey Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy Review of the Vol­un­tary Clean-up…

  • DC Council: Reject the Covanta Waste Contract

    Learn more about DC’s con­nec­tion to Lor­ton in this arti­cle on DC’s Waste and Envi­ron­men­tal Racism July 6, 2015: Let­ter from 20 envi­ron­men­tal, busi­ness, health and civ­il rights orga­ni­za­tions oppos­ing the Cov­an­ta waste incin­er­a­tion contract July 7, 2015: Let­ter from Amer­i­can Lung Asso­ci­a­tion to City Council July 8–9, 2015: Cov­an­ta’s let­ter to coun­cil and our…

  • RWE Drops Biomass Power, Adds Biomass Thermal, Wind

    - by Anna Simet, March 12, 2015, Bio­mass Magazine While RWE Group report­ed it achieved its earn­ings tar­gets for 2014 and EBITDA was sig­nif­i­cant­ly bet­ter than planned, low elec­tric­i­ty prices and unusu­al­ly mild weath­er neg­a­tive­ly affect­ed busi­ness per­for­mance, which dropped 25 per­cent from 2013 to 2014. Peter Teri­um, CEO of RWE, said that cur­rent­ly, 35 to 45 per­cent…

  • New York Republicans Trying to Slip Pricey Biofuels Mandate into Budget

    - by Fredric U. Dick­er, March 2, 2015, New York Post With a bit­ter-cold win­ter and sky­rock­et­ing heat­ing oil use, the GOP’s tim­ing couldn’t be worse. Sen­ate Repub­li­cans, under pres­sure from mav­er­ick super­mar­ket bil­lion­aire John Cat­si­ma­tidis, are try­ing to slip a “green bio­fu­els” man­date into Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new bud­get that could add $150 mil­lion a year to…

  • 2014 Maryland State Policies

    Environmental Community Statement on Maryland’s “Renewable Energy” Bills Out of our uni­fy­ing con­cern for pub­lic health, social jus­tice and envi­ron­men­tal integri­ty, we urge the Mary­land leg­is­la­ture to recon­sid­er aspects of sev­er­al ener­gy and waste bills that would con­tin­ue to move our state toward increased use of bio­mass and waste incin­er­a­tion (so-called “waste-to-ener­gy”). Pub­lic opin­ion strong­ly…

  • Canadian Incineration Presentation

    Report on incin­er­a­tor pre­sen­ta­tion before con­fer­ence of Cana­di­an munic­i­pal offi­cialsby Mike Ewall, Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work & Zero Waste Canada On Feb 12th, 2015, I pre­sent­ed at the Fed­er­a­tion of Cana­di­an Munic­i­pal­i­ties’ Sus­tain­able Com­mu­ni­ties Con­fer­ence in Lon­don, Ontario.  It was the first time they held a pan­el to present both sides of a polar­ized issue.  The…


    RSVP here WASTE TO WEALTH: BRINGING RECYCLING AND COMPOSTING JOBS TO BALTIMORE   Wed, March 11th, 2015 7pm – 9pm Bal­ti­more City Com­mu­ni­ty College 2901 Lib­er­ty Heights Ave, Bal­ti­more, MD 21215 (map) The Waste to Wealth = Green Jobs event is being held to present the poten­tial for devel­op­ing small minor­i­ty-owned com­pa­nies in the reuse, recy­cling and…

EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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