Category: Uncategorized

  • Trash Incineration and Climate Change: Debunking EPA Misinformation

    Trash incineration is incredibly bad for the climate, releasing 2.5 times as much carbon dioxide CO2 to make the same amount of electricity as a coal power plant. This is evidenced by national data compiled by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in their eGRID database. However, the industry, with the support of the EPA,…

  • Mapping Change in Median Household Income

    I recently updated the Income Layer on Justice Map to use the latest 2011-2015 American Community Survey data. You can view the data by county or by census tract (roughly 4000 people). While census tracts provide higher resolution that helps us identify areas of environmental injustice, unfortunately the confidence interval is much larger. So there is a…

  • Environmental Justice in Virginia

    Lorton, Virginia is one of the state’s most stark cases of environmental injustice. Lorton hosts three landfills, a sewage sludge incinerator and one of the largest and dirtiest trash incinerators in the nation. Covanta Fairfax is the third largest trash incinerator in the nation and is the biggest air polluter in Fairfax County. According to…

  • DC United Soccer Stadium site – Toxic Contamination Documents

    Zoning Case 16-02 A Resolution from ANC Regarding the DC United Consolidated PUD – 10-17-16 Community Health and Safety Study (CHASS) (70 pp; Aug 2016) – conducted by the District Department of Health to look at the overall health and economic vulnerabilities of the community New Jersey Institute of Technology Review of the Voluntary Clean-up…

  • DC Council: Reject the Covanta Waste Contract

    Learn more about DC’s connection to Lorton in this article on DC’s Waste and Environmental Racism July 6, 2015: Letter from 20 environmental, business, health and civil rights organizations opposing the Covanta waste incineration contract July 7, 2015: Letter from American Lung Association to City Council July 8-9, 2015: Covanta’s letter to council and our…

  • RWE Drops Biomass Power, Adds Biomass Thermal, Wind

    – by Anna Simet, March 12, 2015, Biomass Magazine While RWE Group reported it achieved its earnings targets for 2014 and EBITDA was significantly better than planned, low electricity prices and unusually mild weather negatively affected business performance, which dropped 25 percent from 2013 to 2014. Peter Terium, CEO of RWE, said that currently, 35 to 45…

  • New York Republicans Trying to Slip Pricey Biofuels Mandate into Budget

    – by Fredric U. Dicker, March 2, 2015, New York Post With a bitter-cold winter and skyrocketing heating oil use, the GOP’s timing couldn’t be worse. Senate Republicans, under pressure from maverick supermarket billionaire John Catsimatidis, are trying to slip a “green biofuels” mandate into Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new budget that could add $150 million a…

  • 2014 Maryland State Policies

    Environmental Community Statement on Maryland’s “Renewable Energy” Bills Out of our unifying concern for public health, social justice and environmental integrity, we urge the Maryland legislature to reconsider aspects of several energy and waste bills that would continue to move our state toward increased use of biomass and waste incineration (so-called “waste-to-energy”). Public opinion strongly…

  • Canadian Incineration Presentation

    Report on incinerator presentation before conference of Canadian municipal officialsby Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network & Zero Waste Canada On Feb 12th, 2015, I presented at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Sustainable Communities Conference in London, Ontario.  It was the first time they held a panel to present both sides of a polarized issue.  The…


    RSVP here WASTE TO WEALTH: BRINGING RECYCLING AND COMPOSTING JOBS TO BALTIMORE   Wed, March 11th, 2015 7pm – 9pm Baltimore City Community College 2901 Liberty Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215 (map) The Waste to Wealth = Green Jobs event is being held to present the potential for developing small minority-owned companies in the reuse,…

EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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