Category: Blog Post
2 arrested – Sunoco cutting trees for Mariner 2 pipeline route
Sunoco is rapidly cutting down trees on the Gerhart’s property in central PA to make way for more gas to be shipped overseas. Two people were arrested today, one student from Juniata College, who is alleged to have crossed into the claimed Mariner East 2 pipeline right-of-way to warn crews that a tree they were…
Trash Incineration in Prince George’s County?
Prince George’s County is courting “waste-to-energy” (WTE) corporations to build new waste facilities that will pollute our community. Currently our trash goes to the Brown Station Sanitary Landfill in Upper Marlboro, which is scheduled to fill up and close in 5 years at current dumping rates. The County’s Department of the Environment is moving toward…
Dirt Cheap Clean Energy
The most exciting news is coming sooner than I expected. The moment where the biggest fights become where to put all of the wind and solar, rather than having to endlessly fight off plans for nuclear, coal, oil, or gas power plants, or biomass or waste incinerators. The lines are already crossing. These are the…
New Factsheet on Energy Justice Communities Map and Justice Map
I have created a new flyer for Energy Justice Communities Map, Justice Map, and the Spatial Justice Test for Race and Income. Feel free to use this flyer at any event (like a conference, protest, workshop, class, etc) where people might be interested in these projects.
Sign Comments to EPA on Clean Power Plan – Due Monday!
SIGN ON: Tell EPA to clean up the Clean Power Plan! DEADLINE is Monday, December 1st As you probably know, the EPA has published its Clean Power Plan, intended to reduce carbon emissions from the nation’s electricity sector, for public comment. Our comments ask EPA to: Read the full comments and sign on to…
New or Updated Online Resources:
We’ve added several things to our incineration webpage, including pages on how trash incineration is more polluting than coal and is the most expensive way to manage waste or to make energy. We added a chart showing the decline in the number of operating incinerators in the U.S., a list of all commercial trash incinerators in the U.S., by size and a page explaining to…
2014 a Banner Year for Victories
This is the year for victories against biomass and waste incinerators. We’ve tracked 45 victories by those in our network since 2010, but this year is something special. It’s only been seven months and we’ve already seen seven victories, plus a victory against a proposed gas-fired power plant and two state-level policy victories. We’re proud to…
VICTORY! DC Passes Styrofoam ban; Moves toward Zero Waste
Since January, we’ve been working to help get two bills passed in DC City Council, both of which passed unanimously on July 14th! Several aspects of the bills were made stronger through our efforts. Tomorrow, DC Mayor Gray publicly signs one of them into law. The most exciting parts of these bills include: In more…
Updated Resources on Trash Incineration
We just added a lot to our web resources on the problems with trash incineration. Check it out: Updates include:
Maryland adopting pro-burn zero waste plan; enviros object to it
Maryland has proposed an ambitious zero waste plan to reduce, reuse, recycle, compost and burn its waste.Something is wrong with this picture… burning isn’t part of real zero waste programs! Our comments oppose incineration and demonstrate that Maryland does NOT have the landfill space crisis they pretend to have.
EJ Communities Map

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.
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Race & Class Census Map