Fossil Fuel Divestment: How to Evolve the Campaign Beyond its Shortcomings
– by Mike Ewall, Energy Justice NetworkOctober 2014 Sometimes, environmental movement campaigns that become very popular aren’t the ones that are the most strategic. Trying to divert the fossil fuel divestment bandwagon to a better path hasn’t been easy (or well-received), but some critical examination is long overdue. As activists like to point out, we don’t…
Biomass Incinerator a Threat to Children
– by Norma Kreilein, MD, Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics [The biomass facility proposed for Jasper, Indiana referred to in this letter was canceled this year thanks to the hard work of Dr. Kreilein and Healthy Dubois County –Ed.] I am writing as a concerned pediatrician in Southern Indiana. We live in the heart of…
Biomass Energy: Another Kind of Climate Change Denial
(Graphic: Indiana Joel) We’re all familiar with climate change deniers, cheerfully and/or willfully ignorant folk who refuse to accept that human-caused carbon emissions are responsible for the climate crisis — or that there even is a climate crisis. Those of us who value science and common sense typically have as much patience for these twenty-three percent of…
EJ Communities Map
![Map of Coal and Gas Facilities](https://energyjustice.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/map_small_new2.jpg)
We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.
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