
  • Top Five Biomass Boosters in the U.S. Senate

    – by Erin Voegele, April 3, 2015, Biomass Magazine A group of five senators recently sent a letter to two subcommittees of the Senate Committee on Appropriations asking them to support funding for programs that bolster the development of thermal and electric biomass energy technologies, supply chains and market opportunities. The letter was signed by Sens.…

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  • Bill to Subsidize California Biomass Facilities

    – by John Cox, April 6, 2015, Bakersfield Californian Local farmers are adding their support to legislation that would divert revenue from California’s cap-and-trade program to biomass plants that generate power by burning agricultural and urban green waste. Last month the Kern County Farm Bureau co-hosted a meeting in Delano to raise awareness of Assembly Bill…

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  • Public Weighs in on Plumas County, CA Biomass Proposal

    – by Debra Moore, April 5, 2015, Plumas County News The Sierra Institute is poised to receive $2.6 million from the California Energy Commission, but first the public will have a chance to comment on the biomass boiler that would be built near the county’s health and human services building in Quincy. The commission announced March…

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