
  • Solar Generation May Sideline Biomass Heating

    [Note: this article is written by long-time wood stove cheerleader, John Ackerly.  It’s nice to see him admitting that his wood-burning dreams are about to be dashed by solar power.  Energy Justice does not support combustion sources for heating, since non-burn alternatives exist, and since there are many pollution and health problems relating to wood stoves.]…

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  • Media Disinformation on Biomass

    – by Chris Matera, Massachusetts Forest Watch  Some people might call it a media failure that tree-fueled biomass energy, one of the dirtiest, most carbon-intensive forms of energy that exists, has a “clean” and “green” reputation with much of the public.  It is not a media failure, it is a media success when we acknowledge that…

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  • Oregon Senate OK’s Carbon Neutral Biomass Bill

    – April 9, 2015, KTVZ State Sen. Tim Knopp (R- Bend) carried Senate Bill 752 on the Senate floor Monday and the effort to declare biomass “carbon-neutral” sailed through unanimously. SB 752 declares biomass to be carbon neutral, taking a rule previously created by the Department of Environmental Quality and making it law. It is chief…

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Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

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