
  • New York City Outsourcing Incineration

    – by Dara Hunt Congratulations to Energy Justice Network and other organizations on stopping a Covanta contract to incinerate DC waste in an Environmental Justice community.  Unfortunately, we have not succeeded in stopping New York City’s plan, and a 20-year contract with Covanta Energy to transport and burn 800,000 tons per year, or more, of…

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  • EXCLUSIVE: Biomass Energy and the Carbon Neutral Shell Game

    – by Brett Leuenberger, July 6, 2015 (Graphics by Brett Leuenberger) Who would have ever thought that clean renewable energy could come from a smokestack? And yet, according to our U.S. government and the biomass industry, that’s exactly what’s happening when you burn trees (biomass) for energy. I don’t know about you, but when it comes…

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  • DC Council: Reject the Covanta Waste Contract

    Learn more about DC’s connection to Lorton in this article on DC’s Waste and Environmental Racism July 6, 2015: Letter from 20 environmental, business, health and civil rights organizations opposing the Covanta waste incineration contract July 7, 2015: Letter from American Lung Association to City Council July 8-9, 2015: Covanta’s letter to council and our…

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EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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