Are Massachusetts’ New Biomass Regulations Strong Enough?
The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources finally released its long awaited and much delayed biomass regulations, garnering both cautious praise and criticism from grassroots biomass opponents. The regulations have disqualified stand-alone biomass power facilities from receiving Renewable Energy Certificates—a ratepayer subsidy under the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard—though incentives are still available for combined heat and power facilities operating…
Occupy Earth Day: An Expose of the Corporate Propaganda Systems that Undermine Systemic Change Activism
This Earth Day, like so many others, we’ll be invited to pick up litter, plant trees, be reminded to recycle, and countless other personal habits we can adopt to save the earth. Corporations pitching “green” products will bust out their “Lorax-approved” logos and encourage our “green” consumption. This will be the first Earth Day since…
Picking an Issue: From Service Projects to Issue Campaigns
Picking an Issue: From Service Projects to Issue Campaigns Originally published by the Student Environmental Action Coalition, and written by Adam Berrey (1993), expanded and updated by Mike Ewall (1999) Have you felt that your group was doing a lot of activities but not getting anything done? Have you started to wonder if another Earth Day…
EJ Communities Map
We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.
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