Environmental Justice in Virginia
Lorton, Virginia is one of the state’s most stark cases of environmental injustice. Lorton hosts three landfills, a sewage sludge incinerator and one of the largest and dirtiest trash incinerators in the nation. Covanta Fairfax is the third largest trash incinerator in the nation and is the biggest air polluter in Fairfax County. According to…
DC United Soccer Stadium site – Toxic Contamination Documents
Zoning Case 16-02 A Resolution from ANC Regarding the DC United Consolidated PUD – 10-17-16 Community Health and Safety Study (CHASS) (70 pp; Aug 2016) – conducted by the District Department of Health to look at the overall health and economic vulnerabilities of the community New Jersey Institute of Technology Review of the Voluntary Clean-up…
Water Abuse in the Fracking Process
– by Alex Lotorto, Energy Justice Network Water is used in shale gas development from cradle to grave, however, most people don’t think about it beyond the issues of groundwater contamination. Procuring and bringing raw materials like silica sand, steel, cement, and fracking chemicals to the well locations requires an incredible amount of manufacturing, transportation,…
EJ Communities Map
![Map of Coal and Gas Facilities](https://energyjustice.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/map_small_new2.jpg)
We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.
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