
  • Medical Doctors Brief Congress on Biomass Energy Health Hazards

    Three medical doctors and a scientist presented the first-ever Congressional briefing on the health hazards of biomass incineration in the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C. on September 25, 2012. The briefing was arranged and sponsored by Save America’s Forests and the presentations can be viewed online here. Pediatricians William Sammons, M.D., of Massachusetts and Norma Kreilein, M.D., of…

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  • Medical Doctors Brief Congress on Biomass Energy Health Hazards

    Three medical doctors and a scientist presented the first-ever Congressional briefing on the health hazards of biomass incineration in the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C. on September 25, 2012. The briefing was arranged and sponsored by Save America’s Forests and the presentations can be viewed online here. Pediatricians William Sammons, M.D., of Massachusetts and Norma Kreilein, M.D., of…

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  • New Report Slams “Sustainable” Biomass Energy

    Biomass energy is not sustainable at an industrial scale, according to a new report by Biofuelwatch, an international organization based in the US and United Kingdom (UK). Sustainable Biomass: A Modern Myth sounds the warning bell on trends that would make the UK the world’s largest consumer of biomass electricity, along with the inevitable impacts on the climate,…

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Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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