Burning Wood is Not the Solution to Climate Change
Burning Wood is Not the Solution to Climate Change – by Sophie Bastable, Biofuelwatch Under the guise of ‘green energy’, burning wood in power stations has become a massive growth industry in the UK, with by far the biggest demand coming from coal-fired power station operators. So far, five of them have announced plans to…
Biofuels and Biomass Lose Favor: Investors Beware!
Biofuels and Biomass Lose Favor: Investors Beware! – by Rachel Smolker, Biofuelwatch Having spent the past eight years or so of my life fighting back against large-scale commercial and industrial bioenergy, it feels good to finally see the tides turning, albeit slowly, maybe not always for the right reasons, and perhaps too little too late.…
End of the Road for Greenfield, MA Biomass Incinerator
END OF THE ROAD FOR GREENFIELD BIOMASS PROJECT Contact: Janet Sinclair 413-625-2886 / 413-478-4333 Concerned Citizens of Franklin County Greenfield, MA July 18, 2013 The plaintiffs appealing the Greenfield, MA Zoning Board decision to grant a Special Permit for a 47 Megawatt biomass power plant filed a request in the Franklin Superior Court to annul…
EJ Communities Map
![Map of Coal and Gas Facilities](https://energyjustice.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/map_small_new2.jpg)
We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.
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