False Solutions for Forests: Biomass Energy, Sustainable Timber, and Carbon Markets
False Solutions for Forests: Biomass Energy, Sustainable Timber, and Carbon Markets – by Jeff Conant, Friends of the Earth In the landscape of global deforestation, a tension exists between policies and practices aimed at drawing a sharp halt to the exploitation of forests and forest peoples and those designed to stimulate a vaguely promised market shift…
Environmental Greats Debate Nuclear Power
By Rod Adams, November 12, 2013 The energy Collective During the promotional period leading up to CNN’s initial airing of Pandora’s Promise, Michael Brune, executive direction of the Sierra Club, and Robert Stone, the director of Pandora’s Promise, engaged in a meaningful discussion about nuclear energy hosted by Kate Bolduan. During the discussion, Brune explains that…
More Haze in Theodore National Park
Bakken boom linked to haze at Theodore Roosevelt park Posted on 11/08/2013 by Greenwire By Phil Taylor As new oil wells crop up by the thousands in the mineral-rich Bakken play in northwest North Dakota, nearby Theodore Roosevelt National Park has experienced spikes in haze-causing pollution, according to a new study. While the boom has created wealth for…
EJ Communities Map
![Map of Coal and Gas Facilities](https://energyjustice.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/map_small_new2.jpg)
We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.
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