From Beetle Kill to Biomass

[More indus­try pro­pa­gan­da than a news arti­cle, but it demon­strates the bio­mass indus­try’s  lust for Nation­al Forests to feed their dirty incin­er­a­tors. ‑Ed.]

- by Ruth Hei­de, July 22, 2014, Val­ley Courier

There’s a dif­fer­ent kind of “gold” in “them thar hills.”

It’s in the trees themselves.

Cor­rect­ly har­vest­ed, the bee­tle kill tim­ber that exists on pub­lic and pri­vate lands in the San Luis Val­ley could pro­vide a gold mine for the bio­mass and oth­er lum­ber indus­tries while at the same time improv­ing for­est health.

Rio Grande Nation­al For­est Super­vi­sor Dan Dal­las told SLV Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers Asso­ci­a­tion offi­cials yes­ter­day there’s half-a-mil­lion acres of pri­mar­i­ly spruce and fir in the Rio Grande Nation­al For­est alone that could be culled out. He said he has been try­ing to get some­thing going to get rid of the dead trees dur­ing his entire tenure here, but it took columns of smoke that could be seen from Nebras­ka last year to real­ly get people’s attention.




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