AUDIO: “Biomass Incinerator Noise” ANTI-BIOMASS INCINERATION CAMPAIGN CALL (November 2013)

Anti-Biomass Incineration Campaign – National Conference Call 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

TOPIC: “Biomass Incinerator Noise”

RECORDING: Biomass Incinerator Noise – November 2013

We discuss the unfortunate health and economic impacts of noise from biomass incinerators and how residents can respond, with a focus on the Gainesville Renewable Energy Center (GREC) biomass incinerator in Florida. 

Guest speakers:

Debbie Martinez, Registered Nurse
Peter Perkins, Ph.D., Colonel US Army (retired), Courtesy Professor at University of Florida, neighbor of GREC biomass incinerator

Ray Washington, attorney

Facilitator: Samantha Chirillo (Energy Justice Network, OR)





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