Anti-Biomass Incineration Campaign Coordinator in Jeopardy

Dear Biomass Busters,

As most of you know, I have been a coordinator for the national Anti-Biomass Incineration Campaign for the past couple years. This year the amazing Samantha Chirillo joined me as co-coordinator, based in the biomass battleground state of Oregon. Together, working with all of you great bio-masochists, we’ve pushed back hard against dirty biomass incineration locally, state-wide, nationally, and internationally.

The Anti-Biomass Incineration Campaign — whose priorities are decided by grassroots members like you — has played an instrumental role in calling national attention to the harmful health and environmental impacts of biomass energy.

We’ve painstakingly built our Biomass Opponents email list of hundreds of people across the U.S. who are actively stripping the greenwash off of biomass energy.

We‘ve worked with communities from Oregon to Indiana to Florida to Vermont to fight incinerator proposals.

We‘ve organized national actions like National Bioenergy Truth Day to pressure elected officials, as well as monthly conference calls with guest speakers on every topic under the sun relating to biomass incineration.

We‘ve published The Biomass Monitor newsletter, the world’s #1 website tracking the bio-mess, and compiled a library of hundreds of scientific documents all just a click away.

What folks might not be aware of is the fact that my paid work only amounts to 3.5 hours a week. Since those scant hours haven’t been anywhere near enough to carry out my various daily duties, I have also donated hundreds of volunteer hours over the years. Samantha, too, is in a similar boat.

Unfortunately, due to an inability to secure grant funding, the position of Anti-Biomass Incineration coordinator for Energy Justice Network is in jeopardy. As of January 1, 2014, I will be stepping aside as co-coordinator.

But it’s not all bad news. If we raise $5,000 through your donations, we’ll be able to keep the talented, dedicated, and uniquely experienced Samantha Chirillo on board as campaign coordinator for 2014.

I can honestly say without exaggeration that Samantha is one of the most qualified people in the country to coordinate the Anti-Biomass Incineration campaign.

Samantha’s organizing background has ranged from opposing dirty energy, to forest protection, to the labor movement, to fighting pesticides, to food security, to climate adaptation. She has heaps of practice bringing together disparate voices to unify their power for the common good.

Samantha received her M.S. in Biology in 2005 and her Master of Public Administration degree and Nonprofit Certificate in 2009, both from the University of Oregon — making her the perfect person to lobby politicians (which she’s done on Capitol Hill) and educate the media. As if all that wasn’t enough, she has ten years experience in nonprofit development, including grantwriting and fundraising.

You have to admit that $5,000 for someone as incredible as Samantha is a bargain, to say the least!

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you have utilized the work of either Samantha or me as Anti-Biomass Incineration Campaign coordinator.

Perhaps you make use of the Biomass Opponents email list, The Biomass Monitor newsletter, the Energy Justice Network website and map, or the various Facebook pages and Twitter feeds that we maintain. Or maybe you’ve had direct communications with us via phone or email.

You may be a community member who has fought an incinerator with Energy Justice Network’s help or you may work for a nonprofit organization that has maximized the effectiveness and efficiency of its own anti-biomass campaign by making use of our programs and services.

Maybe you’re a medical professional, lawyer, journalist, or scientist who has benefited from the contacts that Energy Justice Network has generated over the years and provided to you. Or maybe you’re just an engaged and conscientious activist with a national focus who knows damned well that clean energy can’t come out of a smokestack.

If you fall into any of the above categories, I want to ask you to take a moment and consider what Energy Justice Network’s services have been worth to you over the years and make a generous donation — anywhere from $15-$500 — to ensure that we can continue into 2014.

Please go to to donate today.

It’s truly been a pleasure working with all you great folks over the years. I wish you the very best. 

Thank you,

Josh Schlossberg





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Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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