What if Energy Justice Network Pulled the Plug…?

What if Energy Justice Network Pulled the Plug…?

Illness. Loss of a job. Divorce. Three of the most stressful things that can happen to you.

Living near a dirty energy facility is also right up there near the top of the list. The shadow of uncertainty, worry, and frustration that the proposal of a polluting biomass or trash incinerator, coal or gas-fired power plant casts over a community can be overwhelming.

Will the pollution make my family sick? Will property values plummet? Will the noise keep me up at night?

The rest of us — those lucky enough not to live anywhere near a smokestack or cooling tower —also feel the pain of dirty energy.

We fork over billions of tax dollars every year to subsidize these corporate polluters, often under the guise of “clean energy.”

We drink the groundwater contaminated by fracking for (un)natural gas and mountaintop removal coal mining.

We suffer the drought, flooding, and disease from runaway climate change caused by the combustion of fossil fuels, forests, and trash. 

The dirty energy industry is among the nation’s greatest threats to human health and the natural world, with the worst impacts forced on low-income families and communities of color.

Smokestack energy diverts funding and attention away from energy conservation and efficiency measures, and truly clean, appropriately-scaled renewables such as solar power and ground-source heat pumps. 

Since 1999, thousands of people have turned to Energy Justice Network  to help them through one of the greatest challenges of their lives — the proposal of a dirty energy facility in their town. Energy Justice Network provides the experience, research, and tools necessary to help communities take on Big Energy. We connect you with hundreds of likeminded community organizers, advocacy professionals, medical doctors, and scientists through the contacts we’ve amassed and the relationships we’ve built over the past decade.

Over the last two years, Energy Justice Network has provided organizing support for communities across the U.S. that have successfully beaten back smokestacks in Klamath Falls, Oregon, Peters Township, Pennsylvania, Port. St. Joe, Florida, and Milltown, Indiana.  

The Energy Justice Map (energyjustice.net/map) helps you track existing and proposed dirty energy facilities. We’re mapping thousands of power plants and in 2014, we’ll add high resolution layers of race and income — so you can see who the dirty corporations are targeting for their filth.

Organizing, resources, and contacts aside, Energy Justice Network is there when a facility fighter simply needs to talk to someone who truly understands what they’re going through — someone to inspire hope, lend strength, and sometimes just offer a shoulder to cry on. Thanks to Energy Justice Network, no one has to be alone during one of the most troubling events of their life.

Now think about how your own fight against a filthy polluter would’ve been without Energy Justice Network…

We’re contacting you today to remind you that the programs and services Energy Justice Network provides to help communities from Florida to Washington, from Pennsylvania to California don’t come free. 

And, without your support, Energy Justice Network’s unique and vital work can’t continue.

Our skilled, experienced, and dedicated staff is paid only for part time work, sometimes for only a few hours a week — contributing much of their labor for free. Just like a forest can’t be intensively logged over and over without degrading the ecosystem, an organization cannot sustain itself unless its workers are able to pay for room and board.

We’re asking those of you who have benefited from and/or appreciated the work of Energy Justice Network to consider making a financial contribution of $15-$500 today to ensure we can keep being there for you and your community — and thousands of others like you across the U.S. Just go to https://energyjustice.net/donate

If you care about keeping our children healthy, fending off runaway climate change, protecting wildlife, biodiverse forests, and clean watersheds, and making sure your hard earned tax dollars are going to genuine clean energy…please support Energy Justice Network today.

Thank you,

Josh, Samantha, Mike, Traci, Aaron and Alex






EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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